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            Patient-derived xenograft models for oncology drug discovery

            Gang Li
            Ignyta Inc., San Diego, CA 92121, USA.
            Correspondence to: Dr. Gang Li, Ignyta Inc., 11111 Flintkote Avenue, San Diego, CA 92121, USA. E-mail:


            The success of targeted therapies for cancer patients rests on three major components: the right target(s), the right drug and drug
            combination, and the right patient population. Although much progress has been made in understanding the mechanism of disease
            and in refi ning pharmaceutical properties of therapeutic agents, the attrition rates between target discovery and drug marketing
            approval have been high, especially in oncology. One of the main reasons underlying this undesirable statistics is believed to be the
            lack of predictive power of the model systems used in the preclinical setting. Several strategies have been employed with the aim
            of improving the predictive value of the preclinical studies, such as incorporating genomic profi ling and molecular segmentation
            into model selection, and enhancing the development and application of   patient-derived xenograft models even during early stage
            of drug discovery.  This brief review will summarize some of the recent concept and practice in incorporating patient-derived
            models into all stages of drug discovery process, from target to clinical development.

            Key words: Animal models, drug discovery, oncology, patient-derived xenograft, translational research

            Introduction                                      research and drug development. Finally, there is a need
                                                              for bi-directional fl ow of information between preclinical
            The past decades have witnessed an explosive growth   and clinical investigators, and for increased collaboration
            of scientifi c understanding of human diseases especially   between industry, academia and regulatory agencies to
            those of highly unmet medical needs. In the  fi eld  of   ensure optimal alignment of interests and resources. This
            oncology, the signifi cant progress in basic research   short review will only focus on patient-derived models as
            coupled with technology advancement in drug discovery   a promising approach for improving the successful rate
            has resulted in a signifi cant number of breakthrough
            therapies with improved effi cacy and manageable   of oncology programs.
            toxicity. However, the overall track record of oncology   Patient-derived Xenograft Models for  Target
            drug research and development remains one of the   Identifi cation and Validation
            worst in all therapeutic areas, with high attrition rate
            and prohibitive cost. [1,2]  Recent survey indicated that in   In the past 4 decades, signifi cant progress has been
            oncology drug development, close to 95% of drugs tested   made in the understanding of cancer biology and
            in Phase I trials failed to reach marketing authorization   emergency of new classes of targeted therapies that have
            stage.  Signifi cant efforts have been invested in   signifi cantly changed the landscape of cancer treatment
            scrutinizing every aspect of the drug discovery and   and management.  The key to these successes has been
            development process and looking for ways to improve   the identifi cation and validation of cancer targets that
            the success rate and effi ciency.  Among all, three   distinguish cancer cells and tissues from normal ones,
            pivotal areas have received much attention. First, it is   as elegantly summarized in the landmark articles by
            commonly accepted that more refi ned, clinically relevant   Hanahan and  Weinberg. [4,5]   Although a dauntingly
            preclinical models are critical for accurately predicting   complex disease, cancer can be viewed as evolved
            patient response in clinical trials. Second, as we have   around a number of rational commonalities, or hallmarks,
            fully embraced the concept and practice of personalized   necessary for tumor initiation, progression, metastasis,
            medicine and targeted therapy, tumor profi ling  and   evasion of immune surveillance and resistance to
            patient segmentation based on predictive biomarkers   therapeutic intervention.  These processes involve not
            need to be an integral part of preclinical and clinical   only genetic and epigenetic changes in the cancer cells
                                                              themselves, but also recruitment and alterations in the
                           Access this article online         tumor-associated stroma and micro-environmental factors.
              Quick Response Code:                            Therefore, it is conceivable that therapeutic approaches
                                 Website:                     involving targeting multiple hallmark functions will
                                                              continue to be the cornerstone for targeted cancer therapy
                                                              and management. [6]
                                 10.4103/2394-4722.152769     Cancer target identifi cation traditionally involves the search
                                                              for differential expression and function between cancer

            8                                       Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ April 15, 2015 ¦
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