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and normal cells and tissues at the DNA, RNA, protein   of the histological, biochemical, molecular and genomic
            and microRNA levels. Multiple approaches of various   characteristics of the models. [14-16]   As many of the
            through-put have been developed to identify differentially   technologies have become more effi cient  and  affordable,
            expressed genes and proteins. [7,8]  Recent advances  in   whole-genome or transcriptome sequencing is increasingly
            transcriptomics, proteomics, genomics, functional genomics,   being used to replace traditional microarray-based gene
            epigenomics and metabolomics have signifi cantly expanded   expression profi ling and copy number variation studies.
            the scope and depth of novel targets as well as utility   Next generation sequencing (NGS) approaches such as
            of existing targets. [6,9-11]   Although cell lines have been   exome sequencing or whole genome sequencing also
            traditionally used due to their availability and accessibility,   provide information on mutations and chromosomal
            most recent efforts have been focused on patient samples,   aberrations such as duplication, deletion and translocation,
            tumor biopsies and resections, for example, for their clinical   many of which identify tumor suppressors or oncogenic
            relevance and heterogeneity. Once a potential candidate   drivers  and potentially predict drugs likely to be
            target is identifi ed, the next key step is to functionally   effi cacious in particular patient subgroups. [18]
            validate the target in the context of relevant patient   A number of studies were carried out to study the
            population.  The routinely employed approaches include   impact of successive passages on the gene expression,
            tool compound, blocking antibody, dominant negative   chromosomal stability and copy number variation.
            and RNA interference/short hairpin RNA. In addition, it   Although not defi nitive and most likely model-dependent,
            is imperative to investigate whether the target identifi ed   the general consensus in the  fi eld is that PDX models
            in a small set of cells and tissues are refl ected in a larger   should be used at early passages.   At relatively low
            population ideally identifi able with selective biomarkers.   passage, the histological features, gene expression profi le,
            To this end, a collection of large number of clinically   copy numbers and chromosomal stability remains very
            collected tumor samples and patient-derived tumor models   similar to the matching tumor directly harvested from
            are critical to ensure translatability from target to drug and   patient. [20-23]  On the other hand, with each passage to a
            from laboratory to clinic.
                                                              new mouse host, subsequent genetic changes may occur
            Although cancer cell lines are the most widely used   at different tendencies intrinsic to individual tumors,
            starting material as they are readily available and   although the extent and impact of these alterations
            propagated to provide suffi cient material for in vitro   remain unclear. [24]
            manipulation and in vivo  tumor growth, most of   In reality, each cancer patient’s tumor is heterogeneous
            them have been established long time ago and have   and unique.  And within each of the tumor indications
            been selected and cultured under nonphysiological   mainly defi ned by anatomic locations of tumor
            conditions. In contrast, the least manipulated samples   incident (e.g. lung cancer, breast cancer), many
            are those directly obtained from patients through surgical   subtypes can be identifi ed by histopathology and
            procedures or needle biopsies. However, one of the   immunohistochemistry (IHC) of an abbreviated panel of
            major challenges of using primary patient tumors is their   markers.  Although these approaches have been widely
            limited “shelf-life” and very low quantity in most cases.   used to describe and categorize tumors, they have
            Compared with cell line models and patient tissues,   largely failed to capture the variation of disease within
            patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) provide a practical   indications. Recently, gene expression profi ling and NGS
            solution by both preserving the  fi delity of clinical   have helped further refi ne the models via molecular
            characteristics and providing tumor supply suffi cient  for   subtyping within individual cancer indications. [25-29]
            most target identifi cation and validation strategies. [12,13]    Such molecular subtyping can be particularly helpful
            Another signifi cant  benefi t of using PDX for target   in delineating subtypes that can be challenging to
            identifi cation and validation is that the process from   distinguish with routine histopathology or IHC. For
            target identifi cation to validation and then to effi cacy   example, traditionally, breast cancer subtyping is mainly
            screening can be streamlined around the same models,   based on histology  fi ndings of IHC staining of selected
            therefore, offering a complete circle from patient to   markers. Recent molecular profi ling has identifi ed  six
            mouse and then back to patient.
                                                              distinct subtypes (luminal A, luminal B, human epidermal
            Patient-derived Xenograft Model                   growth factor receptor 2, basal-like, claudin-low, and
            Characterization                                  a normal-like) with clinically signifi cant  differences
                                                              in risk factors, incidence, prognosis, and treatment
            Typically, when patient samples are obtained for   response. [30-33]   A similar approach has also been used
            establishing PDX models, basic patient information   in lung cancer to defi ne clinically relevant subtypes to
            (such as age, sex, ethnicity, clinical diagnosis) with the   which targeted therapy can be applied to achieve optimal
            exception of patient identity will be provided. Once the   effi cacy. In lung cancer, especially in non-small cell
            tumors are established in immune-compromised mice,   lung cancer (NSCLC), recurrent oncogenic drivers such
            comprehensive characterization at DNA, RNA and protein   as epidermal growth factor receptor, KRAS,   anaplastic
            levels will be carried out to gain detailed understanding   lymphoma kinase, as well as their related pathways can

                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ April 15, 2015 ¦        9
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