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suggested that these drug-resistant cells were  TICs-like   PDX models established from the very same patients
            and could be responsible for tumor recurrence.    on trial are being treated ahead of patient therapy or
                                                              concurrently, and results from the mouse trial is provided
            Patient-derived Xenograft Models for              in real-time to help guide clinical management of the
            Pharmacology and Biomarker Studies                patient’s tumor. Further powered by the molecular

            Traditionally, pharmacology, biomarker and pharmacokinetics/  characterization of the tumors, this highly personalized
            pharmacodynamics studies for oncology programs almost   approach has the potential to revolutionize the drug
            exclusively relied on tumor xenograft and to a much lesser   development and patient care.  For example, a recent
            degree, syngeneic models. With the signifi cant increase in the   study by Stebbing  et  al.  reported 22 sarcoma PDX
            availability and affordability of PDX models offered by both   models were successfully established from 29 patients
            academic institutions and contract research organizations,   (76% take rate) and screened for drug sensitivity to a
            PDX models have seen increasingly their utility in routine   panel of therapeutic agents. The entire process typically
            research activities.  A quick survey of oncology discovery   took 3-6 months depending on individual tumor growth
            programs published in the past 3 years shows that increasing   characteristics and treatment regimen. Of the 22 patients,
            number of programs use PDX models at some point during the   6 died before data became available. Of the 16 remaining
            preclinical discovery and translational research stages. [14,65-67]    patients, 13 (81%) demonstrated a correlation between
            In addition, there is an industry-wide trend to include   the results from their PDX mouse trial and clinical
            PDX model readout as a key component of the required   outcome. Similar approach has also been reported in
            data package for both internal use as well as regulatory   advanced adenoid cystic carcinoma,  ovarian,  and
            submission. The history of using incorporating PDX models   other cancer types.  The current data, although limited,
            in drug discovery can be traced back to several decades ago.   appears to support the use of PDX models to prioritize
            For example, one of the earliest reports involving cancer   therapeutic agents against individual tumors. However,
            drugs and PDX models by Fiebig et al.  studied a number   some key challenges remain before this strategy can be
            of chemotherapy drugs at their respective maximal tolerated   broadly implemented in clinical practice. For example,
            doses (MTDs) in PDX models derived from 34 patients, and   establishment of PDX models is still a technically
            demonstrated 92% accuracy in predicting effi cacy and 97% in   challenging and time-consuming process, even after
            predicting no-response. Similar predictive value was seen in a   much progress has been made to improve the take rate
            later study by the same group.  However, additional studies   and optimize the expansion scheme. In addition, the
            suggest that the predictive value can fl uctuate due to factors   algorithm for the selection of agents to be tested needs
            such as tumor histology and location, stage of disease from   to be further developed and refi ned. Lastly, to effectively
            which the models are derived, the quality of PDX models,   demonstrate the feasibility and clinical benefi t of the
            sample size and dosing regimen. [64,70,71]  In addition to selecting   PDX-guided treatment prioritization in the patient care
            models that are histologically, molecularly and genetically   setting, properly controlled clinical trials are needed.
            relevant to the patients in clinical, another important factor
            for improving translatability of preclinical  fi ndings is the   Limitations of Patient-derived Xenograft Models
            drug exposure. Not surprisingly, preclinical model species, in   Although PDX models present an exciting opportunity
            most cases immunocompromised mice, can exhibit different   for improving predictive value of preclinical and
            tolerability and adsorption, distribution, metabolism and   translational studies, and offer a number of advantages
            excretion property than those in human. It is commonly seen   over conventional cell line xenograft models, just
            that drug exposure levels at MTD dose in mice are higher   like any other preclinical model platforms, there are
            than clinically achievable levels in human.  Therefore,  a   several limitations that one needs to be aware of. First,
            compound given at mouse MTD to xenograft, allograft or   the utilization of severely immune-compromised host
            syngeneic models may generate exaggerated effi cacy  that   mouse strains, particularly the nonobese diabetic severe
            over-predicts human response in the clinic. This phenomenon   combined immune defi ciency gamma mice, while
            has been seen for both chemotherapy agents [12,73,74]  as well   allowing higher take rate and more consistent growth of
            as targeted agents such as vascular endothelial growth factor   xenografted human tumors, is inherently inadequate in
            receptor inhibitors and PI3K inhibitors.  A key concept and   modeling immune responses.  Although human stroma
            practice to avoid the pitfalls of using mouse MTD dose and   components including immune cells originally present in
            exposure as the sole basis for effi cacy prediction is to use   the tumor biopsy can be grafted together with the tumor
            CRD or clinically relevant exposure (CRE) whenever a CRD   tissue,  they normally cannot survive beyond the  fi rst
            or CRE can be determined.                         passage, and will be completely lost in the subsequent
                                                              expansion.   The other stroma components including
            Patient-derived Xenograft Models for Mouse        fi broblasts and vasculature are quickly replaced by
            Clinical Trial
                                                              murine counterparts.   The lack of functional immune
            An evolving concept and practice, PDX mouse clinical   system limits the utility of these models in studies
            trial, has started to yield positive results that had   where immune responses are required. For example,
            real-life impact on selected patients.  In this setting,   immunotherapy cannot be readily studied in the PDX
                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ April 15, 2015 ¦       11
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