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enzyme, which removes methyl- or alkyl-groups from   in ESCC. [77,78]  miR-375 is considered as ts-miR in several
            guanidine after chemical modulation, therefore protecting   cancers, including both histologic subtypes of esophageal
            cells from G to A mutations.  MLH1 and MSH2 are two   cancer. [79,80]  Reduced levels of miR-375 in cancerous
            key DNA mismatch repair genes and epigenetic silencing   tissue of EAC patients with Barrett’s were strongly
            of these genes may lead to microsatellite instability. [59]  associated with a worse prognosis.  miR-205 was
                                                              down-regulated in both ESCC and EAC. [81,82]  Knockdown
            Promotors of APC, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases   of miR-205 expression enhanced expression of zinc
            3 (TIMP3),   CDKN2A,  CDH1,  MGMT,  DAPK,         fi nger E-box homeobox 2, accompanied by a reduction
            FHIT,   AKAP12,  and  suppressors of cytokine     of E-cadherin, leading to epithelial-mesenchymal
            signaling (SOCS)  have been reported to be frequently   transition.  miR-223 expression was signifi cantly higher
            hypermethylated in EAC [Table 4]. TIMP3 belongs to a   in ESCC with an inverse relationship with F-box and WD
            family of genes that inhibit matrix metalloproteinases, a   repeat domain-containing 7, a cell cycle regulatory gene
            group of peptides involved in degeneration of extracellular   whose protein product ubiquitinates cell cycle regulators
            matrix.  Death-associated protein kinase 1 is a positive   such as c-Myc, cyclin E and c-jun. [83]
            mediator of gamma-interferon-induced programmed cell
            death.  A-kinase anchoring protein 12 is a multivalent   Recently, changes in expression of several miRs have
            anchoring protein and an important regulator of the   been reported in Barrett’s esophagus.  miR expressions
            beta2-adrenergic receptor complex.  SOCS proteins act   were compared between 2 groups of patients with
            as negative regulators of JAK/STAT pathways and may   Barrett’s esophagus who either developed or did not
            represent tumor suppressors.  Promotor methylation and   develop EAC over a course of 5 years.   As a result,
            subsequent transcript down-regulation of  SOCS-3 and   4 miRs (miR-192, miR-194, miR-196a, and miR-196b)
            to a much lesser extent,  SOCS-1 were involved in the   were found to show signifi cantly higher expression in
            multistep carcinogenesis of Barrett’s AC. [63]    patients with progression to EAC than in those without.
            Genome-wide   DNA    hypomethylation  may   also  Conclusion
            contribute to tumorigenesis. Long interspersed element
            1 (LINE-1) is a retrotransposon comprising about   In this review, the risk factors and molecular mechanisms
            17% of the human genome, and the levels of LINE-1   of esophageal cancer, with special reference to the
            methylation can be a surrogate marker of genome-wide   differences between two histologic subtypes, have been
            DNA methylation.  Hypomethylation levels of LINE-1   discussed. In spite of advances in the diagnostic tools
            are frequently observed in ESCC and correlate with   and therapeutic strategies, esophageal cancer still remains
            a poor prognosis.  On the other hand, genome-wide   one of the most lethal malignancies. In order to improve
            methylation analysis also revealed that overall   outcomes, early detection of tumors based on knowledge
            methylation of CpG islands was higher, but outside of   of risk factors is needed. In addition, efforts to identify
            CpG islands was lower, in Barrett’s esophagus and EAC   novel therapeutic targets through molecular biological
            tissues than in normal esophageal tissues. [68]   techniques are essential.
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            4                                       Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ April 15, 2015 ¦
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