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CDKN2A,  SMAD4,  ARID1A,  SPG20,  TLR4,  ELMO1    Comparison of cancer-associated genetic abnormalities in
            and  DOCK2 are signifi cantly mutated in EAC. p16 INK4a ,   the columnar-lined esophagus, with and without goblet
            encoded by  CDKN2A, inhibits CDK4 and 6 that bind   cells, has revealed frequent copy number abnormalities
            to cyclin D1 and blocks abnormal cell growth and   in intestinal metaplasia, whereas no such changes were
            proliferation.  SMAD4 is a key intracellular mediator of   observed in nongoblet cell metaplasia. [53]
            transforming growth factor-beta signaling and is known   Epigenetic alterations
            to act as a tumor suppressor.   ARID1A, which is one
            of the chromatin remodeling genes, is frequently mutated   The promoter hypermethylation of several tumor
            in a variety of human cancers.  Among the remaining   suppressor genes, such as APC, CDKN2A, CDH1, FHIT,
            four newly identifi ed  genes,  ELMO1 and  DOCK2 are   RARB,  Ras-association domain family 1 (RASSF1),
            upstream modulators of RAC1   GTPase, suggesting the   MGMT,   MLH1,  and  MSH2,  causes  decreased
            potential activation of the RAC1 pathway as a contributor   expression of these genes and has been known to affect
            to EAC tumorigenesis. [36]                        carcinogenesis of ESCC  [Table 4]. E-cadherin, encoded
                                                              by CDH1, is a calcium-dependent adhesion molecule that
            Recently, comparison of mutated genes among NDBE,   plays a crucial role in the maintenance of intercellular
            HGD, and EAC revealed the majority of recurrently   junctions in normal epithelial cells.  The  RARB gene
            mutated genes in EAC, except  TP53 and  SMAD4,    encodes retinoic acid receptor beta, a central regulator
            were also mutated in NDBE.  Mutations of  TP53 and   to normal growth and differentiation of a variety of
            SMAD4 were stage-specifi c, confi ned to HGD and EAC,   epithelial cells.  The  RASSF1 encodes a protein
            respectively. [44]
                                                              similar to RAS   effector proteins. RASSF1A protein
            DNA copy number alterations                       modulates a broad range of cellular functions essential
                                                              for normal growth control.  The  MGMT gene encodes
            Clustered abnormality in copy number was observed in   O -methyl-guanine-DNA methyltransferase, a DNA repair
            several genes in ESCC [Table 3], whereas a few genes
            were specifi cally altered at high frequency in EAC.
            Instead, EAC samples demonstrated more widespread   Table 3: Representative amplifi ed or deleted genes in
                                                              squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus
            genomic instability and the total DNA copy number
            alterations were an independent prognostic factor. [45]  Genes  Location Function
                                                              Amplifi cation
            Amplifi cation  and  LOH    observed  in   ESCC      CCND1      11q13  Cell cycle progression
            are summarized in  Table 3.  Amplifi cation  and     FGFR1       8p11  Mitogenesis, differentiation
            overexpression of  CCND1, which positively regulates   EGFR     7p12  Proliferation
            G1/S transition, are frequently observed.  The      PIK3CA      3q26  Cell growth, survival, proliferation
            PI3K/AKT pathway is activated by amplifi cation  and   MYC       8q24  Cell cycle progression,
            overexpression of receptor tyrosine kinases (fi broblast               transformation
            growth factor receptor 1 and epidermal growth factor   SOX2     3q26  Stemness
            receptor),  KRAS, and  PIK3CA.  The  transcriptional   KRAS    12p12  Proliferation
            genes  MYC and  SOX2 are occasionally amplifi ed.   Loss of
            Deletion of several tumor suppressor genes, including   heterozygosity
            TP53,  adenomatous polyposis coli (APC),  CDKN2A,   TP53       17q13  Cell cycle arrest, DNA repair,
            and  FHIT, is observed in ESCC.     APC suppresses                    apoptosis
            canonical Wnt signaling through inhibition of -catenin,   APC  5q21  Antagonist of Wnt signaling pathway
            while it plays roles in several other fundamental   CDKN2A      9p21  Cell cycle arrest
            cellular processes such as cell adhesion, migration, and   FHIT  3p14  Purine metabolism
            chromosome segregation.  Loss of  FHIT transcripts
            affects development and progression of various types   Table 4: Representative hypermethylated genes in
            of cancers.  Loss of  FHIT expression was reported   esophageal cancer
            to be associated with exposure to environmental   Squamous cell carcinoma           Adenocarcinoma
            carcinogens. [49,50]                              APC                               APC
            Amplifi cation/overexpression  of  ERBB2 (also known   CDKN2A                        TIMP3
            as human epidermal growth-factor receptor 2/neu)   CDH1                             CDKN2A
            gene has been observed in 24-32% of esophagogastric   FHIT                          CDH1
            junction AC.   The positive rate in EAC has been   RARB                             MGMT
            reported to be higher than that observed in gastric   RASSF1                        DAPK
            cancer.  Trastuzumab, an antibody to ERBB2, added to   MGMT                         FHIT
            chemotherapy, improved survival in patients with HER-2   MLH1                       AKAP12
            positive advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction   MSH2                       SOCS-3
            AC compared with chemotherapy alone. [52]          Bold: Genes commonly hypermethylated in both subtypes

                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ April 15, 2015 ¦        3
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