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Galli et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2022;8:48  Page 7 of 14

               Table 3. Diagnostic values for LN metastases of MRI and PET/CT in recurrent laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas
                Feature                              MRI         PET/CT         PET/CT + MRI
                True positive                        1           1              0
                True negative                        31          30             25
                False positive                       1           3              3
                False negative                       2           1              1
                Sensitivity                          33.3%       50.0%          0.0%
                Specificity                          96.9%       91.0%          89.3%
                Positive predictive value            50.0%       25.0%          0.0%
                Negative predictive value            93.9%       96.8%          96.2%

                Figure 2. (A) Flowchart displaying the clinical and pathological neck staging for MRI alone. (B) flowchart displaying the clinical and
                pathological neck staging for PET/CT alone. (C) flowchart displaying the clinical and pathological neck staging for PET/CT + MRI.
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50