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Page 2 of 12     Solimando et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2022;8:9

               out that the hematopoietic niches’ inflammatory stimulation may affect differentiation patterns and the function of
               downstream cells.

               Keywords: Hematopoietic niche, immune system, inflammation, tumor microenvironment

               A bone marrow niche can be streamlined as a narrow environment that guarantees the preservation and
               modulation of the cell stemness. A simplified overview of the bone marrow microenvironment can be
               sketched around the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), with quiescent characteristics, capable of self-renewal
               regulated by multiple niches. One niche is classified as endosteal niche, comprising the bone and several
               multiple different cell types responsible for the maintenance of the bone and the maintenance of the
               hematopoiesis . The perivascular niche also includes multiple and different nursing cells regulating the
               hematopoiesis in direct crosstalk with the megakaryocytes, macrophages, and endothelial cells that act as
               gatekeepers for the immune cells . The innervation and the immune cells are actively fueling the neural
               niche, regulating the hematopoiesis via the mesenchymal stromal cells, which altogether lead to the
               maintenance of normal hematopoiesis and homeostasis of the blood system . Moreover, the erythroblastic
               island represents a fundamental niche where different stages of red blood progenitors mature over time
               until they become enucleated cells, subject to the phagocytic process .

               From this standpoint, inflammation, especially in its chronic phase, can be tightly connected to the normal
               process of aging, being defined as inflammaging . A subclinical status of inflammation parallels an
               increase in visceral body fat over time, leading to the recruitment of blood monocytes and polarization to
               M1  macrophages,  which  are  even  more  inflammatory,  resulting  in  an  increased  production  of
               proinflammatory cytokines . On the other hand, both the muscle mass and the anti-inflammatory
               myokines decrease, causing an increased inflammatory state. Collectively, the red marrow converts to fatty
               marrow, actively taking part in the systemic inflammaging [11,12] . Within the bone marrow, a multipotent
               stem cell-like cell can give rise to osteoblast and adipocytes under normal conditions, being also crucial to
               regulated hematopoiesis : the state of aging can be mimicked in a mouse model by a high-fat diet, where
               the multipotent stem cell-like population tends to differentiate into adipocytes, and there is less
               differentiation into osteoblasts, leading to increased levels of DPP4, which, when inhibited, orchestrates a
               more regenerative environment . A decreased bone healing mirrors the increased fat, being an underlying
               cause of the defective hematopoiesis and the lack of maintenance of HSC. Thus, chronic inflammation
               affects the balanced lineage output during the physiologic homeostasis that, in step with aging and disease,
               leads to an impaired HSC self-renewal, with increased myelopoiesis . Chronic inflammation can be
               considered not only as a chronic inflammatory disease but also as an aging-mediated process. Thus, HSC
               can prime a decreased lymphopoiesis and reduced erythropoiesis. Furthermore, these niche dysfunctions
               and stressors (i.e., reactive oxygen species and acquired mutations) can drive clonal hematopoiesis and a
               malignant transformation . The niche dysfunction can be crucial in the development of full-blown
               leukemia . Clonal hematopoiesis in an average individual with unremarkable hemogram and no evidence
               of hematologic disease is known as clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) and is also
               known as clonal hematopoiesis of aging, being a common age-related condition .

               The hematopoietic system, being probably one of the most proliferative tissues in the body, is
               physiologically correlated with a high mutational rate. DNA-polymerase can lead to mutations in the most
               proliferative progenitors and not retained in the progeny. Nonetheless, the mutation sometimes happens in
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