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Maitland                                                                                                                                                                           Prostate cancer: from bench to bedside

           Establishing a multidisciplinary team              biopsy,  the  pathologist  who  decides  the  area  for
           Thus truly translational research requires an ability   sampling, the research nurse, technician or tissue
           to access fresh human cancer tissues, rather than   procurement officer who takes the samples and finally
           employ the current laboratory “formula” for medical   the research team, who process and analyze the
           research, where detailed experiments are performed   sample (see below). Finally the clinical history of the
           on cell lines, and then (often summarily) tested with   patient is required to ensure that a particular patient
           a number of patient samples for the same response   who has been studied intensively is not an anomaly
           in  formalin  fixed  tissue  for  antigen  expression.  Is   within the general patient population, or indeed has
           this really valid as a critical assay of a longer term   been subject to an initial misdiagnosis.
           treatment for prostate cancers?
                                                              In many cases, a basic science investigation does
           Certainly  the  availability  of  large  numbers  of  tissue   not  fit  within  the  National  Health  Service  (NHS)
           sections  in  array  format  should  revolutionize  the   ethical framework (and paperwork) in the UK,
           correlative part of such a study, but this resource is   where the procedure is more often designed with a
           not available to all, and is of variable quality between   clinical trial of drug efficacy in patients, from whom
           different sources and centers depending on the     tissue/blood  samples  are  required.  The  elapsed
           time  of  surgery,  fixation  and  processing  required   time  from  application  to  approval  is  also  rather
           to  produce  a  grid  of  perhaps  96  disease-focused   long and incompatible with some grant deadlines.
           tissue sections.  It is also  largely  dependent on the   However, it remains essential to have such approval
           skill of the histopathologist in obtaining the tumor   in place before funding is approved.  Again the
           localized blocks. When fresh unfixed tumor biopsies   multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach and closer
           are  required,  this  becomes  just  as  much  a  multi-  clinical science liaison is the best approach. Ethical
           disciplinary team effort as the treatment of prostate   compliance from the very start is not only desirable,
           cancer. It involves the surgeon who removes the    but essential now for many grant-giving bodies.
                                                              The complexities of tissue processing from
                                                              tissue biopsies
                                                              The next stage in the procedure involves the
                                                              processing of the tissues from primary samples. Over
                                                              many years my laboratory has developed the means
                                                              to  fractionate  prostate  tissues  into  many  constituent
                                                              cell types.  This is illustrated in  Figure 2. Although
                                                              individual populations can for example be studied in
                                                              isolation for a particular gene expression pattern or a
                                                              cancer target expression, this may not be the ultimate
                                                              analytical system in which to determine whether a
                                                              patient’s tumor is indeed susceptible to such treatment.
                                                              The mere act of dissociating the tissue biopsy could
                                                              be  sufficient  to  modify  gene  expression  in  the  short
                                                              term. For example, the stress of homogenisation
                                                              and the time taken may well affect individual gene
                                                              expression patterns/cell types. The loss of infiltrating
                                                              macrophages  and  lymphocytes  from  the  tissues  is
                                                              also of concern, given our current knowledge of their
                                                              influence on not only each other, but also on the whole
                                                              tumor micro-environment.

                                                              Therapeutic  development  strategies  which  involve
                                                              growing cells from prostate tissues in the laboratory are
                                                              inevitably a compromise. Purification of different cell
           Figure 2: Selection of cells from prostate tissue. Protocols have   types and their culture removes micro-environmental
           been developed to extract, enrich and select different cell types   influences.  The  mere  induction  of  cell  proliferation
           from fresh human prostate tissue. The cell types include immune   within a cell population also induces new patterns of
           cells, stromal cells and epithelial cells. Luminal cells and basal
           cells, which include transit amplifying progenitor cells, committed   gene expression, as we have recently shown in benign
           basal cells and stem cells, can be selected        prostatic hyperplasia . Such a reductionist approach
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ November 17, 2017      265
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