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Maitland. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2017;3:262-70                                   Journal of
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-4722.2017.23
                                                             Cancer Metastasis and Treatment

            Topic: How does the prostate cancer microenvironment affect                         Open Access
            the metastatic process and/or treatment outcome?

           Getting closer to prostate cancer in patients -

           what scientists should want from clinicians

           Norman J. Maitland

           Cancer Research Unit, Department of Biology, University of York, Heslington, North Yorkshire YO10 5DD, UK.
           Correspondence to: Dr. Norman J. Maitland, Cancer Research Unit, Department of Biology, University of York, Heslington, North Yorkshire
           YO10 5DD, UK. E-mail:

           How to cite this article: Maitland NJ. Getting closer to prostate cancer in patients - what scientists should want from clinicians. J Cancer Metastasis
           Treat 2017;3:262-70.
            Article history:              For scientists pursuing drug development for prostate cancer, it is critical that an
            Received: 19 May 2017         appropriate ex vivo or in vitro model system is available for study. Cancer research has
            First Decision: 5 Jul 2017    generally consisted of: (1) finding the means to arrest fast growing cancer cells; or (2)
            Revised: 13 Jul 2017          (as a compromise) to slow down the excessive rate of cell growth; or in the best case (3)
            Accepted: 14 Aug 2017         to kill the cancer cells whilst sparing the surrounding normal tissues. As the knowledge
            Published: 17 Oct 2017        of the biological nature of the cancer cell improves, it has become increasingly apparent
                                          that such a simplistic attitude to cancer therapy development or indeed diagnosis is
            Key words:                    rapidly outdated, and a closer liaison between the clinic and the laboratory studies is
            Prostate cancer treatments,   more important than ever as the author seeks to target specific gene expression pathways,
            model systems,                specific  signaling  pathways,  cancer  specific  mutations  and  indeed  the  interactions
            primary cultures,             between cancer cells and their micro-environment, all of which provide a tremendous
            pre-clinical studies          potential for novel therapeutic development.

           INTRODUCTION                                       quickly  (minimizing  the  amount  of  time  required  to
                                                              do the experiment); (2) cells which are easy to infect
           Not all cells within a cancer are fast growing. Indeed   or transfect; and (3) cells which express the gene or
           a proportion of cells within every tumor are probably   the signaling pathway of interest. In relatively few
           quiescent  and  impervious  to  drugs  targeting  cell   cases has any consideration been made of the stage
           cycle activity [1,2] .  To accommodate this cellular   of disease that a particular cell line represents. The
           heterogeneity we really require new tissue mimetic   study of “prostate cancer” is actually the study of a
           cancer models . For many scientists, the availability   number of different diseases [4-8] , for example: (1) low
           of “off the shelf” cancer cell lines is a facility which   Gleason grade tumors which have a weak capacity
           they use as a matter of expediency. The reasoning   to invade; (2) high Gleason grade cancers which
           which  makes  a  basic  laboratory  scientist  choose   remain sensitive to the effect of male sex hormones
           a cancer model are: (1) robust cells which grow    but which are known to invade at least locally and

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