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Maitland                                                                                                                                                                           Prostate cancer: from bench to bedside

           Figure 1: Response of primary patient cultures and the LNCaP cell line to docetaxel treatment. Cells were plated at 5,000 cells per
           well of 96-well plates, treated with several doses of docetaxel and measured using alamar blue assay at 24 h post-treatment. Primary
           prostate epithelial cells cultured from patient samples from different disease grades and LNCaP cells were used (Data from Dr. Fiona
           Frame, University of York)

           prostate culture, which we have treated with the   established cultures are sometimes representative
           same concentration of drug [Figure 1]. Unsurprisingly   only of the cells that will grow in the laboratory, which
           this is also true for a number of signaling pathway   may not be the cells that grow quickly in the patient.
           inhibitors, such as inhibition of Akt and PI3 Kinase.
           LNCaP is null for the PTEN gene, which renders     Overcoming clonal bias
           the signaling pathways considerably more active. In   Clearly the best method is to develop a closer liaison
           most prostate cancer patients the situation is less   between clinicians working with patient samples
           clear cut with only very advanced prostate cancers   and the scientists themselves.  There are however
           having  lost  both  copies  of  the  PTEN  gene.  Most   a  number  of  scientific  arguments  against  this.
           earlier stage cancers contain a single copy or express   Working with primary samples is time consuming and
           the PTEN protein at lower but still biologically active   perceived to be prone to failure. To achieve statistical
           levels, a phenomenon known as haplo-insufficiency.   significance, ironing out the natural patient to patient
           In this case our experiments indicated that LNCaP   variation in clinical samples, requires multiple
           has  inactivated  a  number  of  emergency  or  salvage   samples far beyond the normal “journal requirements”
           pathways  during  the  40  years  in  which  LNCaP  has   (currently for at least 2 independent prostate cancer
           been cultured on a nutrient rich medium of initially   cell lines). How then should those representative
           15% and more recently 10% fetal calf serum. These   cell lines be chosen? Are they selected because the
           pathways remain active in primary cancers [22] .   results  are  consistent  with  the  original  hypothesis,
                                                              or  should they  cover  the  same or different prostate
           The final argument against designer cell lines is that
           of  clonal  selection.  Prostate  cancers  are  incredibly   cancer phenotypes? One sample each from castration
           heterogeneous, containing multiple sub-clones      resistant and hormone sensitive cells is by no means
           with a restricted number of mutations, but with    statistically significant, however the analysis of 10-12
           distinct differentiated states and epigenetic levels   tumors of a similar Gleason grade in patients with a
           of control. To treat all of these with a single drug is   similar hormone naïve background should provide
           over ambitious. However, to derive models such as   statistically relevant results, which also can reflect, in
           those previously described, the scientist is reliant on   their diversity, the patient specific variation we see in
           the ability of some or all of these cancer cell types to   responses to many drugs [23] . Although clonal selection
           grow in the laboratory. As a population of cells begins   can also be an argument against primary cultures,
           to grow from a cancer, those which initiate growth first   they at least do have a heterogeneous phenotype
           are inevitably going to dominate the final culture by   (several cell subpopulations are represented), they
           means of the exponential growth of cells. Exponential   can be differentiated in 2D culture to give rise to other,
           growth means that even within 3-4 days there could be   more luminal, cell populations and when routinely
           8 to 16 fold more of a fast growing cell compared to a   used at low passages the amount of time-dependent
           slower growing cell in the same population. Thus long   selection pressure is reduced.
            264                                                             Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ November 17, 2017
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