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Mason                                                                                                                                                                        What clinicians should want from scientists

           observations:                                      rendered relatively meaningless in this context.

           1. Very few patients, of the sort selected for this trial,   Turning to a different category of prostate cancer,
             die of prostate cancer, a least over a 10 year period.   locally advanced disease (where the cancer has
             It should be stressed that the patients in this trial   spread beyond the capsule of the gland, or into
             had early, localised disease, apparently confined to   the adjacent seminal vesicles, but no metastatic
             the prostate (categorised as stage cT1-2, N0, M0).   spread), the prevailing clinical bias was different.
             Prostate cancer-specific survival rates in all 3 arms   Early studies had already shown that, in the context
             of the trial were 99%.                           of “old fashioned” radiotherapy, outcomes were
                                                              less good than for localized disease. In retrospect,
           2. The outcomes after surgery and radiotherapy     many patients who were then labelled as “locally
             were the same, and both treatments were roughly   advanced” might today be recognised as having still
             equivalent in the degree to which their side effects   more advanced disease. The pivotal study by the
             affected quality of life.                        European Organisation for Research and Treatment
                                                              of Cancer (EORTC) showed that the addition of ADT
           3. However, more patients managed by active        to radiotherapy substantially improved survival , but
             monitoring suffered progression of their disease,   it left an open question about the role of radiotherapy.
             including the subsequent development of metastatic   Nihilists argued that patients with locally advanced
             disease, though this has not, yet, translated into a   disease actually had occult metastatic disease, and
             worsening of their 10-year overall survival rate. It   that the important modality was the ADT. This was
             should also be stressed that, although the numbers   refuted in two randomised trials, of similar design,
             progressing after active monitoring were double the   in which patients with - predominantly - locally
             numbers after surgery or radiotherapy, the absolute   advanced disease (some had high risk localised
             excess was only of the order of 4%.              disease) were randomly allocated to ADT alone, or
                                                              to ADT plus radiotherapy [9,10] . These trials showed
           Looking at the patients who died of prostate cancer,   unequivocally that radiotherapy - a locally directed,
                                                              potentially curative treatment, improved survival.
           one might reasonably expect to have been able to pick   This probably means that some patients with locally
           them out retrospectively, based on the conventional   advanced disease can be cured with local treatment.
           clinical parameters of tumor stage, prostate-specific   Moreover it means that as a group they do, indeed,
           antigen level, and Gleason grade. Unfortunately, such   “need” to be cured - but we should not forget that other
           complacency would be misplaced. For example, of 17   explanations leading to improved survival without
           patients who died of prostate cancer, 8 had Gleason   “cure” are not impossible.
           scores of 6 at diagnosis, and 9 had scores > 7. The
           numbers are very small, and some patients with     After more than two decades, we can begin to answer
           apparently Gleason 6 could have had more aggressive   Whitmore’s questions: for patients with early prostate
           tumors missed due to sampling errors, some of which   cancer, cure is apparently not necessary in many
           might have been identified on modern imaging such   cases, at least over a 10-year period. Our dilemma
           as multi parametric magnetic resonance imaging,    is now that, though we know that this does not apply
           which among other things is capable of detecting   to all such men, we do not know how to identify the
           anterior tumors that might not have been biopsied in   all-important minority of such men who do need
           this cohort. Even so, it seems inconceivable that these   treatment. Two other studies, previously published,
           clinical parameters, which we use to stratify patients   have randomised patients to surgery, or to “watchful
           into “low”, “intermediate”, and “high” risk groups, are   waiting” [11,12] . The Swedish study reported improved
           sufficient to enable us to determine which patients with   survival with surgery, but the benefits appear to be
           early prostate cancer need treatment, and which ones   restricted to patients under 65 years of age. The
           do not. This is a major, and urgent clinical priority -   American study showed no evidence of a survival
           solving it would, among other things, revolutionise the   benefit overall, though suggested some benefit in
           approach to prostate cancer screening. As described   some men in a higher risk category. In contrast, the
           by Maitland in an accompanying answer in this themed   studies of locally advanced disease not only show that
           issue, the scientific answer to the question of how to   this category of disease is both life-threatening and yet
           distinguish tigers and pussy cats will not come from   curable, but they also point to a category of disease
           cell lines, but will require a combination of biobanking   which is deserving of more basic scientific attention
           of tissues from patients with early prostate cancer,   than perhaps it has had. All these studies carry the
           combined with meticulous collection of associated   same implication: the need for better biomarkers
           clinical outcome data. Without the latter, the former are   to enable us better to stratify patients. To test this
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ November 17, 2017      273
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