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Mason. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2017;3:271-7                                       Journal of
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-4722.2017.51
                                                             Cancer Metastasis and Treatment

            Topic: How does the prostate cancer microenvironment affect                         Open Access
            the metastatic process and/or treatment outcome?

           Getting better at treating prostate cancer:

           what clinicians should want from scientists

           Malcolm Mason
           School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3XQ, Wales, UK.

           Correspondence to: Dr. Malcolm Mason, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3XQ, Wales, UK. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Mason M. Getting better at treating prostate cancer: what clinicians should want from scientists. J Cancer Metastasis
           Treat 2017;3:271-7.
            Article history:              If the treatment landscape for prostate cancer is to be transformed, clinicians and scientists
            Received: 18 Aug 2017         must work together ever more closely. Prostate cancer defeats physicians when patients are
            First decision: 18 Sep 2017   not accurately stratified according to patients’ risk of dying of disease, when the effects of
            Revised: 26 Sep 2017          tumor heterogeneity are insufficiently understood, and when attempts at therapy by clinicians
            Accepted: 26 Oct 2017         spur further disease evolution and the emergence of new resistance mechanisms. At the
            Published: 17 Nov 2017        same time, clinicians’ over-treat men who in reality do not need it, and some of those men
                                          needlessly suffer long term side effects as a result. This commentary is aimed at stimulating
            Key words:                    debate about how we as clinicians and scientists can assist one another and improve our
            Prostate cancer,              knowledge to the benefit of patients dying from metastatic disease.
            androgen deprivation therapy,
            abiraterone STAMPEDE trial,
            LATTITUDE trial

           WHAT DO CLINICIANS WANT TO KNOW?                   In a brief survey of clinicians in the UK National Cancer
                                                              Research Institute’s prostate cancer Clinical Studies
                                                              Group (Mason, unpublished), the distinction between
           “Is cure possible? Is cure necessary? Is cure possible   the two was the most frequent item on the “wish list”
           only when it is not necessary?” This - now almost   that these clinicians cited. Conversely, for patients with
           legendary - quote by the late American Urologist   metastatic prostate cancer, the most common cause of
           Willett Whitmore neatly sums up the entire clinical   death - by some margin - is due to prostate cancer .
           dilemma that is prostate cancer . The concept of   For patients with “significant” disease, and particularly
           “overdiagnosis” and “over treatment” as it relates to   those with metastatic disease, cure is currently
           early prostate cancer is now widely accepted. One   virtually impossible, and there is an urgent imperative
           commonly used and useful, though scientifically    to improve treatment. The oft-repeated platitude that
           imprecise, analogy, when talking to patients is that   a man is “more likely to die with his prostate cancer
           prostate cancers can either be “tigers” or “pussy cats”.   than of it” is completely inappropriate for someone
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