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Falconer et al.                                                                                                                                                                                  MT-MMPs in prostate cancer

           mice. After an interval of 4 weeks, PC3 cells were then   Sabbota et al. [62]  subsequently followed up their initial
           injected directly into some of the implants, with/without   findings and provided further evidence for a link
           initiation of daily treatment with broad-spectrum MMP   between RANKL shedding and MT1-MMP protein
           inhibitor batimastat for 2 weeks. MT1-MMP expression   expression, summarised in Figure 2. In this study,
           was subsequently identified in PC3 bone tumors,    conditioned media from LNCaP cells expressing both
           localised primarily to tumor cells, with some stromal   RANKL and MT1-MMP was shown to enhance cell
           expression noted. The PC3 bone tumors were mostly   migration of LNCaP-C4-2b cells, which are MT1-MMP
           osteolytic in nature, and MMP inhibition by batimastat   deficient. This was inhibited by osteoprotegerin (soluble
           reduced the number of osteoclasts per millimetre in   decoy receptor of RANKL) and selective MT1-MMP
           these implants. The authors concluded that MT1-MMP   inhibitor MIK-G2. The authors hypothesised that these
           activity in prostate cancer cells appears to be crucial   findings indicated that MT1-MMP enhances tumor
           in bone matrix turnover. This, together with metastatic   cell migration through initiation of an autocrine loop
           tumor growth, appeared to be linked in cycle that is   requiring RANKL shedding in prostate cancer cells.
           disrupted by MMP inhibition [60] .                 Evidence was also provided for a role for Src as a
                                                              downstream mediator of RANKL [62] .
           A further correlation between MT1-MMP expression in
           prostate cancer cells and bone metastasis was also   The importance of cadherin-11 in prostate cancer
           reported by Bonfil et al. [61] . MT1-MMP expression was   bone metastasis was considered by Huang et al. [63] .
           abundant and consistent in tumor cells identified in   Cadherin-11 is an osteoblast cadherin, identified as
           paraffin sections of bone metastases from 20 prostate   being aberrantly expressed in prostate cancer cells
           cancer patients (androgen independent disease).    derived from bone metastases . LNCaP-C4-2B4 cells
           It should be noted that MT1-MMP expression was     in which expression of cadherin-11 had been engineered
           noted in endothelial cells, osteocytes, osteoblasts and   demonstrated increased spread and intercalation into
           stroma in matched normal bone samples, consistent   an osteoblast layer in vitro and exhibited enhanced
           with a role in bone development, albeit at expression   migration and invasion. Downregulation of cadherin-11
           levels which appear significantly lower than those   in PC3 cells, which naturally express cadherin-11,
           exhibited by the tumor cells. Preclinical models were   decreased cell migration and invasion. A possible role
           utilised to examine the role of MT1-MMP in metastatic   for MT2-MMP was suggested, following gene array
           bone colonisation of prostate cancer cells. MT1-   analysis of the LNCaP-C4-2B4 cells. Several genes
           MMP was introduced into LNCaP cells, while it was   related to invasion and metastasis were identified as
           silenced (using siRNA for MT1-MMP) in DU145 cells.   upregulated, among which MT2-MMP was a prominent
           MT1-MMP over-expression enhanced bone tumor        finding . Interestingly, IGF-1 gene expression was also
           growth (via intra-tibial injection) and associated   reported as upregulated, which supports the evidence
           osteolysis, while not affecting cell proliferation in vitro   provided by Sroka et al.   relating to a role for IGF-
           or subcutaneous tumor growth in vivo. This led the   1R in MT-MMP expression and activity, as discussed
           authors to conclude that MT1-MMP contributes a     earlier.
           unique stimulatory effect on tumor growth in the bone
           microenvironment. Further studies utilising orthotopic   MT-MMPs clearly play important roles in the
           models which better replicate the normal disease   development of metastatic bone deposits. Given
           dissemination process are required to confirm these   that most patients with prostate cancer ultimately
           findings, but the authors nevertheless suggest the   succumb to metastasis, a strategy to specifically target
           possibility that MT1-MMP activity may be worthy of   MT1-MMP-expression on tumor cells may prove an
           pursuing as a therapeutic target for prostate cancer   attractive means by which to address prostate cancer
           bone metastases. Furthermore, a role for RANKL     metastasis to bone.
           was suggested: RANKL (receptor activator of NF-
           κB ligand) is a regulator of osteoclastogenesis, and   OPPORTUNITIES FOR DRUG TARGETING
           its release in the bone microenvironment was linked
           to MT1-MMP activity. siRNA knockdown of MT1-       The expression of MT-MMPs in prostate cancer
           MMP inhibited bone tumor growth of DU145 cells and   and associated bone metastases suggests an
           simultaneously led to osteogenesis, a phenomenon   opportunity for targeted therapy. As an example, the
           for which mechanistic information was not obtained.   Bonfil group focused on MT1-MMP expression in
           It was suggested that MT1-MMP inhibition may have   prostate cancer bone metastases, and suggested
           shifted the balance toward bone formation simply by   that the increased MT1-MMP activity was worthy of
           inhibition of osteolysis/osteoclastogenesis [61] .  pursuing as a therapeutic strategy. The group later

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