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Potdar et al.                                                                                                                                                                     Circulating tumor cells in liquid biopsies

           determining the changing course of disease in a timely   aliquots of PBMC-rich plasma were mixed with 300 µL
           manner and have potential to determine the metastatic   of 1 × PBS and this mixture was layered onto 300 µL
           state of breast cancer.                            of Ficoll-Hypaque solution. We prepared two tubes
                                                              each for  cancer patients and healthy individuals  for
           CTCs are present in very low numbers in whole blood   our culture study. Tubes were centrifuged at 3,000 g
           and  are  difficult  to  identify  and  characterize.  The   for 30 min to obtain a middle layer containing PBMCs.
           primary  aims of the present  study were  to establish   The PBMCs isolated from the two tubes were pooled
           a simple protocol for the isolation, identification, and   together, washed with 1 × PBS, and suspended in 4 mL of
           enumeration of CTCs from various metastatic cancer   RPMI growth media, supplemented with 10% FBS, 1%
           patients  and  to  molecularly  profile  genes  involved   PenStrep, L-glutamine, and vitamin C. Tissue culture
           in the processes  of invasion  and metastasis, and to   dishes (65 mm) containing PBMCs were incubated in
           evaluate the potential clinical utility of liquid biopsies in   a 5% CO  incubator at 37 °C. After 24 h, non-adherent
           the treatment of advanced stage cancer.            cells were removed and the remaining adherent cells
                                                              fed with 4 mL of DMEM growth medium supplemented
           METHODS                                            with 10% FBS + PenStrep + L-glutamine, which were
                                                              changed  twice a week. Cultures were observed  and
           Materials                                          photographed  every day for 30 days under a phase
           Low-glucose  Dulbecco’s  modified  Eagle’s  Medium   contrast microscope (model  AXiovert 40CFL from
           (DMEM),      penicillin/streptomycin  (PenStrep),  Carl Zeiss), equipped with TS view software (Tucsen
           phosphate-buffered saline  (PBS), trypsin EDTA,    Imaging, Fuzhou, and PR China) and images were
           erythrosin B,  and colchicine,  were purchased  from   captured and analyzed to  determine and record the
           HiMedia  (Mumbai, India); fetal bovine serum (FBS)   morphology  of adherent  cells.  Adherent  cells that
           from GIBCO  BRL (Carboside,  MA);  Trizol reagent,   appeared CTC-like by phase contrast microscopy were
           cDNA preparation kits, and agarose  from Invitrogen   counted manually under a phase contrast microscope
           (Carlsbad, CA, USA); and histopaque and primers for   to  calculate the  number of  cells present in each
           KRT18,  KRT19,  PROM1,  CD44,  CXCR4,  NOTCH2,     metastatic cancer patient and were then fixed in 50%
           VEGFA,  MMP1,  MMP2,  MMP9,  ICAM1,  CDH1,         methanol, stained with Giemsa, and examined by light
           KCNH2, and ACTB from Sigma Chemicals, USA.         microscopy (AXiovert 40CFL, Carl Zeiss) to determine
                                                              their general morphological features.
           Sample collection
           A total of  eight metastatic cancer patients recruited   Anchorage-independent soft agar assay
           by oncology clinic of Jaslok Hospital and Research   PBMCs were isolated from metastatic cancer patients
           Centre, Mumbai India (three breasts, two ovarian,   and healthy individuals and their tumorigenic potential
           two prostate, and  one  nasopharyngeal  cancer)  and   determined using soft agar assays. A total of 3 × 10
           five  healthy  individuals  were  included  in  this  study.   PBMCs per individual were layered on 0.4% soft agar
           All patients had stage IV disease, with invasive  and   in DMEM growth medium in 65 mm dishes. The plates
           metastatic cancer. All tumors were histopathologically   were then incubated at 37 °C with 5% CO  for 2 weeks.
           proven to  have  metastatic  potential. Fresh  blood   Emerging colonies were observed under a phase
           samples (10 mL) were collected from each metastatic   contrast microscope and photographed.
           cancer patient and healthy control individual in sterile
           EDTA vacutainers with proper consent from the      Molecular markers in PBMCs (liquid biopsies)
           patients, according to the ethical committee guidelines   and cultured CTCs
           of Jaslok Hospital  and Research Center, Mumbai,   Total RNA  was  extracted from all patient’s  PBMCs
           India, and sent to the tissue culture laboratory of the   and isolated cultured CTCs from  Ovarian, prostate
           Molecular Medicine and Biology Department.         and  CNS cancer patients  using  the  Trizol  method.
                                                              RNA was then reverse transcribed to cDNA using the
           Culture of peripheral blood mononuclear cells      Applied Biosystems High Capacity cDNA Kit (Applied
           for isolation of CTCs                              Biosystems, USA). PCR was carried out using specific
           Plasma  rich in peripheral  blood  mononuclear  cells   forward  and  reverse  primers  with  defined  annealing
           (PBMCs) was  separated from  blood samples from    temperatures [Table 1]. For all genes, PCR reactions
           cancer  patients and  healthy  individuals  by allowing   were performed at 95 °C for 5 min; followed  by 40
           blood to  stand for  approximately  1 h. We obtained   cycles at 95 °C for 30 s, at the respective annealing
           approximately 2 mL of PBMC-rich plasma from 10 mL of   temperatures [Table 1] for 30 s, and at 72 °C for 30 s;
           blood. Next, PBMCs were isolated by Ficoll-Hypaque   with a final extension at 72 °C for 7 min. Amplicon sizes
           gradient  centrifugation  as  follows.  Briefly,  300  µL   were checked  by 2% agarose  gel electrophoresis,
             8                                                                   Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ January 23, 2017
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