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Sawabata et al.                                                                                                                                                   Circulating tumor cells after lung-cancer biopsy

           cell was detected at pre-FFB, while in three cases cells   the peripheral  circulating  blood,  as can occur with a
           were detected at post-FFB (50.0%); no tumor cell was   surgical procedure. [12-15]
           detected at pre-FFB while some CTCs were detected
           at post-FFB in two cases (33.3%) while some CTCs   Initially,  tumor  cell dislodgement  to  the  peripheral
           were  detected at pre-FFB. Numerous  CTCs were     circulating  blood by surgical manipulation  was
           detected at post-FFB in one case (17.7%). In addition,   demonstrated  using  a cytological  technique,  but the
           in the analysis of cluster CTC alone (n = 6), no tumor   sensitivity  was very  low.   Later,  polymerase chain
           cells were detected at pre-FFB and at post-FFB in five   reaction [18,19]   and  flow-cytometry [20]   methods were
           cases (63.3%), with some CTCs being detected at pre-  introduced  to  improve  sensitivity  and  specificity,  but
           FFB and many CTCs detected at post-FFB in one case   results were not predictable. Morphological detection
           (17.7%). The alterations of CTC counts are graphically   of CTC dislodgement  was shown  using  the EpCAM
           demonstrated in Figure 2.                          positive selection method [CellSearch  system
                                                              (Janssen Diagnostics, Raritan, NJ)], but the sensitivity
           DISCUSSION                                         was still low.   As such, isolated tumor cells (ITC),
                                                              surrogates of CTC,  were extracted from  pulmonary
           In our assessment of CTCs at pre-FFB and at post-  vein blood, revealing  that detecting ITC/CTC was
           FFB  biopsy,  the amount of CTC is not decreased   an  indicator  of early  recurrence;  the presence  of
           after an FFB procedure, and in cases involving CTCs   cluster ITC/CTC indicated wrong prognosis, using
           the count of  CTCs increased at  post-FFB.  These   the EpCAM positive selection method  or the CD45
           results suggest that a tumor biopsy of a lung cancer   negativedepression  gravity method [RosettSep
           lesion has the potential to  dislodge  tumor cells into   (Stemcell Technologies, Vancouver, Canada)].   As
                                                              the sensitivity of such CTC detecting methods was
                                                              not greater,  the sample used pulmonary  vein blood,
                                                              because it contains more ITC/CTC than the peripheral
                                                              circulating blood. [24]

                                                              Size selection methods [ISET  (Rarecells Diagnostics,
                                                              Paris, France) and ScreenCell  Cyto] are highly
                                                              sensitive for cluster CTC, and therefore the sampling
                                                              of CTC extraction using  size selection  methods  can
                                                              use peripheral blood. [16,25]  Recently, CTC dislodgement
                                                              during surgery for lung cancer was proven by detecting
                                                              CTCs in the peripheral circulating blood using a size
                                                              selection method, and the presence of cluster CTC has
                                                              been an indicator of early recurrence among surgical
                                                              lung cancer patients. [13]

                                                              A  CTC  assessment during FFB  procedures needs a
           Figure 1: CTC detected around lung tumor biopsy. Left: singular   method that can extract CTCs from the peripheral blood
           CTC; right: cluster CTC. CTC: circulating tumor cell  sensitively, and for this reason we chose the sensitive
           Table 1: Patient/tumor characteristics and status of CTC
                               CT findings                   Stage                    Status of CTC
                                             Tumor                           All CTC     Singular
            No.  Age   Gender        Size                                                          Cluster CTC
                               Type         histology  C-stage  C-T  C-N   categories     CTC
                                     (cm)                                  Pre   Post  Pre   Post  Pre   Post
            1     65     M     Pure   2.1   Invasive AD  IA     1b    0     0     0     0     0     0     0
            2     64     M     Pure   2.5   Invasive AD  IA     1b    0     0     2     0     2     0     0
            3     78     M     Pure   2.9   Invasive AD  IA     1b    0     0     0     0     0     0     0
            4     63     M     Pure   2.4   Invasive AD  IIIA   1b    2     17    37    9     21    8     16
            5     59     F     Pure   3.5   Invasive AD  IB     2a    0     0     0     0     0     0     0
            6     62     M     Pure   2.8   Invasive AD  IA     1b    0     0     5     0     5     0     0
           CT: computed tomography; CTC: circulating tumor cell; M: male; F: female; AD: adenocarcinoma; C: clinical; T: tumor; N: node
             18                                                                  Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ January 23, 2017
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