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Potdar et al.                                                                                                                                                                     Circulating tumor cells in liquid biopsies

           containing  PBMCs isolated  from all metastatic    [Figure 3]. CTCs from CNS cancer exhibited expression
           cancer patients  [Figure 2B]. Hence  PBMC samples   of KRT18 and NOTCH2 and absence of expression of
           from metastatic cancer  patients  clearly  contained  a   PROM1, CD44, and CXCR4, whereas prostate cancer
           tumorigenic  population,  whereas those from healthy   CTCs expressed all five genes [Figure 3]. Overall our
           individuals did not. We also observed the formation of   results  indicated  that  the  molecular  profiles  of  CTCs
           circular rings around each colony, indicating that the   varied according to the type of cancer; therefore, we
           cells secreted proteolytic enzymes  [Figure 2B]. This   suggest  that  individual  profiling  of  metastatic  cancer
           assay only indicates the basic cancer phenotype of   patients will be essential for management of therapy
           cells; tumorigenic potential can be confirmed by “in vivo   in these patients.
           transformation assays” using  nude mice,  or by PCR
           determining their molecular phenotypes. We confirmed   Molecular markers in PBMCs from metastatic
           the tumorigenicity of the cells by molecular analysis.  cancer patients (liquid biopsies)
                                                              We also examined molecular markers present in
           Molecular markers in isolated cultured CTCs        whole plasma PBMCs (liquid biopsies), from patients
           To determine the molecular  cancer phenotypes  of   with metastatic breast (n =  3),  ovarian (n =  1),
           isolated  CTCs, we harvested cells after 30 days of   nasopharyngeal (n = 1), and prostate (n = 1) cancer. We
                                                              analyzed expression of 11 genes related to metastasis:
           culture of PBMCs from metastatic cancer patients and   KRT18,  CD44,  PROM1,  CXCR4,  NOTCH2,  MMP1,
           determined the expression of specific mRNAs involved   MMP2, MMP9, KCNH2, ICAM1 and CADH1. KRT18,
           in metastasis in these cells  by RT-PCR. We studied   CD44, PROM1, CXCR4, and NOTCH2 were expressed
           the  expression  of  only  five  specific  genes:  KRT18,   by PBMCs from all patients [Figure 4] indicating that
           PROM1, CD44, CXCR4, and NOTCH2, in addition to     they were present in all cancer patients and have roles
           the ACTB housekeeping gene in these samples, due to   in the metastatic process.
           the limited quantities of mRNA available. We obtained
           CTCs from ovarian,  prostate, and  central  nervous   The expression of  KRT19,  MMP1,  MMP2,  MMP9,
           system  (CNS)  cancers for  this  analysis. We found   ICAM, and CDH1 was studied in samples from three
           that ovarian cancer CTCs expressed KRT18, PROM1,   breast cancer patients, one ovarian  cancer patient,
           and CD44; however, CXCR4 and NOTCH2 were not       one nasopharyngeal cancer patient, and one prostate
           expressed in CTCs obtained from  this cancer type   cancer patient, and the results are shown in Figure 5.

           Figure 1: Morphology of circulating tumor cells (×20). A and B are phase contrast microscopy and C is Giemsa stained

           Figure 2: Anchorage independent growth assay (×40). (A) Normal PBMCs; and (B) metastatic cancer PBMCs. Each colony shows
           proteolytic enzyme ring (arrows). PBMCs: peripheral blood mononuclear cells
             10                                                                  Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ January 23, 2017
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