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Potdar et al.                                                                                                                                                                     Circulating tumor cells in liquid biopsies

           Table 1: Forward and reverse primer sequences used for respective molecular markers with their annealing
           temperature and size

            Serial No.  Name                 Primer sequence (5’-3’)              Annealing (℃ )   Size (bp)
            1           ACTIN             F  GACTACCTCATGAAGATC                        55            512
            2           ACTIN             R  GATCCACATCTGCTGCAA                        55            512
            3           KERATIN        F     GAGATCGAGGCTCTCAAGGA                      55            357
            4           KERATIN        R     CAAGCTGGCCTTCAGATTTC                      55            357
            5           CD44              F  CAACCCTACTGATGATGACG                      60            302
            6           CD44              R  GGATGCCAAGATGATCAGCC                      60            302
            7           CXCR4           F    GGACCTGTGGCCAAGTTCTTAGTT                  60            273
            8           CXCR4           R    ACTGTAGGTGCTGAAATCAACCCA                  60            273
            9           NOTCH-2       F      ACTTCCTGCCAAGCATTCC                       60            278
            10          NOTCH-2       R      GTCCATGTCTTCAGTGAGAAC                     60            278
            11          CD133            F   ACCTGCGTAATCCCATCT                        60            340
            12          CD133            R   TTGTCCGACCAGTTCTTC                        60            340
            15          VEGFR           F    GAAGTGGTGAAGTTCATGGATGTC                  62            422
            16          VEGFR           R    CGATCGTTCTGTATCAGTCTTTCC                  62            422
            17          MMP1             F   CTGAAGGTGATGAAGCAGCC                      55            427
            18          MMP1             R   AGTCCAAGAGAATGGCCGAG                      55            427
            19          MMP2             F   GCGACAAGAAGTATGGCTTC                      58            390
            20          MMP2             R   TGCCAAGGTCAATGTCAGGA                      58            390
            21          MMP9             F   CGCAGACATCGTCATCCAGT                      64            405
            22          MMP9             R   GGATTGGCCTTGGAAGATGA                      64            405
            23          E -Cadherin    F     TGCTCTTGCTGTTTCTTCGG                      60            422
            24          E -Cadherin    R     TGCCCCATTCGTTCAAGTAG                      60            422
            25          I -CAM1          F   AGGCCACCCCAGAGGACAAC                      58            405
            26          I -CAM1          R   CCCATTATGACTGCGGCTGCTA                    58            405
           followed by  using Ethidium  Bromide dye and       cytoplasm at the periphery of the nucleus [Figure 1].
           visualization using a gel documentation system (Alpha   CTCs were dormant, and did not multiply for several
           Imager HP from Cell Bioscience) and photography.   months.

           RESULTS                                            Enumeration  of  CTCs in  metastatic cancer
           Isolation of CTCs from PBMCs from metastatic       Enumeration  of CTCs in metastatic cancer patients
           patients                                           was a major aim of this study. After 30 days of culture
           PBMCs were isolated from metastatic cancer patients,   of adherent cells emerging from PBMCs, CTCs were
           counted using a hemocytometer, and 3 × 10  cells were   clearly  visible  in culture dishes  [Figure 1] and were
           cultured for 24 h, followed by culture only of adherent   counted manually under phase contrast microscopy. In
           cells.  After 15-20 days of incubation,  we observed   samples from the three breast cancer patients, CTC
           circular cells with spikes on  their circumference   counts ranged from 120 to 160 cells (average = 145
           [Figure  1],  which were metastatic  tumor cells that   cells; percentage of total cells plated = 0.045%); from
           had been circulating  in the blood of the cancer   the two patients with prostate cancer, the count ranged
           patients. We considered these cells to be CTCs and   from 120 to 160 (average 140 cells; percentage of total
           examined their morphology and other characteristics   cells  plated,  0.042%);  samples  from the two ovarian
           daily by phase contrast microscopy. CTCs were large   cancer patients yielded 90-120 CTCs (average = 105;
           spherical cells, with spikes, single nuclei, and granular   percentage of total cells plated = 0.032%); and from
           cytoplasm,  which  differed  from other cell types   the single nasopharyngeal cancer sample we obtained
           [Figure 1], clearly indicating that the cells observed in   50 CTCs (percentage  of total cells = 0.015%).  All

           samples from metastatic patient were CTCs involved   experiments were performed  in duplicate.  This  cell
           in cancer metastasis. CTCs isolated from all metastatic   counting process was very consistent and a successful
           cancer patients were morphologically similar, with no   straightforward method to enumerate CTCs.
           differences in samples from patients with different
           types of cancer  [Figure 1]. No such cells  were   Anchorage-independent soft agar assays
           observed in PBMCs from healthy individuals cultured   Anchorage-independent  soft agar  assays were
           simultaneously.                                    performed to determine  the tumorigenic  potential
                                                              of PBMCs isolated from metastatic cancer patients
           To determine the general  morphological  feature of   and healthy individuals.  No colonies  were observed
           CTCs,  we stained them  with Giemsa,  revealing that   in samples from  healthy individuals  [Figure 2A].  In
           these large cells had distinct nuclei, with granulated   contrast, several large colonies grew in agar plates
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ January 23, 2017        9
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