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Page 386 Zhang et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(4):37190 I
Figure 7. (A) Velocity of the preceding and ego vehicle; (B) Relative velocity; (C) Relative distance.
responses of sideslip angles and yaw rate (which reflect the lateral stability of the vehicle) obtained using the
conventional controller (without consideration of the lateral stability) and the controller developed in this
study. Figure 8 shows that compared to the results obtained using the conventional controller, the sideslip an-
gle and yaw rate obtained using the proposed controller are smaller in magnitude, indicating improved vehicle
5.2. Case II: speed profile
In this case, the initial velocities of the preceding and ego vehicles and the relative distance are set to 25 m/s
and 50 m, respectively. Figure 9A shows the -function speed profile of the preceding vehicle and the
simulationresultsasabluedash-dottedcurve. InFigure9A,theredcurverepresentstheclosed-loopresponse
for the speed of the ego vehicle. Figure 9B and Figure 9C show the errors in the longitudinal velocity and
between the desired and actual distances, respectively. Figure 9D shows the acceleration of the ego vehicle,
which satisfies the input constraint given by | | ≤ 2m /s.
It can be concluded from Figure 9 that the proposed method completes the car-following task with satisfactory
performance for a time-varying velocity. Figure 10 shows the dynamics of the sideslip angle, yaw rate, and ve-
hicle lateral offset. Figure 10C clearly shows that the lateral offset increases when the car-following manoeuvre
is conducted under the conventional MPC without lateral stabilization. These three aspects of the results show
that the proposed car-following controller outperforms the conventional controller in terms of guaranteeing
both satisfactory tracking performance and lateral stability of the vehicle in emergency scenarios.
In this paper, a T-S fuzzy model-based predictive adaptive cruise controller is designed while ensuring vehicle
lateral stability by integrating the ACC system with a direct yaw moment control system. To consider varia-