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Page 92                            Li et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(1):89–104  I

                     Figure 2. CAD model of the 4-dof robot with a revolute-spherical-spherical limb and a screw pair-based mobile platform.

                                          Table 1. Geometric and dynamic parameters of the robot
                                                 Parameters       value
                                                 Length of inner arm  0.296 m
                                                 Length of outer arm  0.600 m
                                                 Mass of upper platform  0.855 kg
                                                 Mass of lower platform  1.080 kg
                                                 Mass of inner arm  0.842 kg
                                                 Mass of outer arm  0.073 kg

               where ®    ∈    is the driving torque and ® ¤   , ® ¥    ∈    represent the joint angular velocity and acceleration, respec-
               tively. Moreover,   ( ®   ) ∈    4×4  is the inertia matrix,   ( ®   , ® ¤   ) ∈    4×4  is a vector resulting from Coriolis and
               centrifugal forces,   ( ®   ) ∈    represents gravity, and    b is the moment of inertia of inner arms. Jacobians    up
               and    down relate the motion of the upper and lower sub-platforms to the actuated joints, while    up and    down ,
               respectively, represent their derivatives with respect to time. In addition,    b,    p,up, and    p,down are the mass
               matrices of the inner arm and the upper and lower sub-platforms. The detailed modeling procedure can be
               found in Ref [24] . The main geometric and dynamic parameters of the parallel robot are listed in Table 1.

               Prior to the ILC design for the robot, the following properties generalized to the robotic manipulators are

               Property 1. The inertia matrix is bounded and positive definite, thus ∃   > 0,    > 0 satisfies the following

                                                  0 <    < k  ( ®       ,   )k <                       (5)

               Property 2. The inertia matrix satisfies the global Lipschitz condition; therefore, a positive constant    exists
               that meets:

                                         k  ( ®       ,   ) −   ( ®      −1 ,   )k ≤   k ®       (  ) − ®      −1 (  )k  (6)
               where    represents the number of iterations and ®    is the angular displacement of the joint.

               Property 3. Coriolis, centrifugal, and gravitational force matrices meet the equation   ( ®       , ® ¤       ) ® ¤       +   ( ®       ) =
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