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Page 95                             Li et al. Intell Robot 2021;1(1):84-98  I

               Table 2. The quantitative results. This table shows the results of our method and other existing methods on KITTI Eigen split  [16] . The
               best results in every category are in bold. M denotes the training dataset is monocular. * represents the newer results from GitHub
                                                   Lower is better            Higher is better
                            Method       Train  AbsRel  SqRel  RMSE  logRMSE     < 1.25     < 1.25 2     < 1.25 3
                            Zhou*  [16]   M    0.183  1.595  6.709  0.270  0.734  0.902  0.959
                            Yang  [29]    M    0.182  1.481  6.501  0.267  0.725  0.906  0.963
                            Mahjourian  [30]  M  0.163  1.240  6.220  0.250  0.762  0.916  0.968
                            GeoNet*  [18]  M   0.149  1.060  5.567  0.226  0.796  0.935  0.975
                            DDVO  [23]    M    0.151  1.257  5.583  0.228  0.810  0.936  0.974
                            DF-Net  [31]  M    0.150  1.124  5.507  0.223  0.806  0.933  0.973
                            LEGO  [32]    M    0.162  1.352  6.276  0.252  -       -      -
                            Ranjan  [24]  M    0.148  1.149  5.464  0.226  0.815  0.935  0.973
                            EPC++  [19]   M    0.141  1.029  5.350  0.216  0.816  0.941  0.976
                            Struct2depth  [17]  M  0.141  1.026  5.291  0.215  0.816  0.945  0.979
                            MD2  [22]     M    0.131  1.023  5.064  0.206  0.849  0.951  0.979
                            Ours          M    0.125  0.992  5.076  0.203  0.858  0.953  0.979

                                    Input        Ground truth       MD2          Ours

               Figure 6. Some predicted depth examples on the Make3D dataset. The models were all trained on KITTI only, monocular, and directly
               tested on Make3D.

                                            Table 3. Ablation studies on ResNeXt and                
                                                          Lower is better            Higher is better
                     Method                    Train  AbsRel  SqRel  RMSE  logRMSE     < 1.25     < 1.25 2     < 1.25 3
                     Basic  [22]                M     0.131  1.023  5.064  0.206  0.849  0.951  0.979
                     Basic+ ResNeXt             M    0.127  0.990  5.109  0.205  0.854  0.950  0.978
                     Basic+ResNeXt+                 M  0.125  0.992  5.076  0.203  0.858  0.953  0.979
                     Basic+ResNeXt+                (single scale)  M  0.123  0.980  4.987  0.200  0.862  0.954  0.979

               4.4.2. Validating proposed ResNeXt and               
               Table 3 shows the result of depth prediction for different components of the proposed method. “Basic” is the
               MD2 mentioned above. The results clearly prove that the contributions of our proposed terms to the overall
               performance. It is evident that discrete wavelet transform (DWT) can recover a high-quality clear image and
               improve the accuracy of depth prediction. The accuracy of depth prediction for both single-scale and multi-
               scale supervisions are shown. Compared with the multi-scale method, the result of the single-scale method is
               better. Thereasonforthisphenomenonishypothesizedtobethatthelow-resolutionimagehasover-smoothed
               pixel color, which can easily cause inaccurate photometric loss.
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