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Page 91                                                                  Li et al. Intell Robot 2021;1(1):84-98  I

               Figure 4. The proposed depth network architecture. The width and height of every cube indicates output channels, and the size is reduced
               by half every time. The first yellow cube is a convolution block, while the rest of the yellow cubes are ResNeXt blocks. The orange blocks
               represent the five-scale feature map,      ×. In the decoder network, convolution layers are blue. Upsample and convolution operations are
               red.      × is the four-scale depth map.

               To preserve high-frequency image details and avoid producing image artifacts, a coarse-to-fine manner is
               adopted to change the image resolution in the SSIM loss. The DWT divides the image into four patches:
                          ,            ,            ,               . Except the low-frequency    , the SSIM loss of the other three high-frequency patches
               are computed. Iteratively,             is divided by DWT to generate different patches to obtain the new SSIM loss.
               Therefore, the total wavelet SSIM (W-SSIM) loss is
                                         −        (  ,  ) =                    (   ,    ),    ∈ {    ,     ,     ,     }  (7)
               The ratios of the four patches are
                                                          2                        2
                                             :         :         :         =    :   (1 −   ) :   (1 −   ) : (1 −   )  (8)
               where       is the weight of each patch. The initial value of    is 0.7.    is the target image.    is the source image.

               Initially, before the DWT divides the image, the SSIM loss between the target image and source image is
               calculated. The total wavelet SSIM (             ) loss is

                                                             =             (  ,   ) +      −        

               3.5. Total loss function
               There are two main parts in the loss function: the target image photometric loss       is calculated by recon-
               structing the target image, while the smoothness loss       of depth image compels the predicted depth map to
               be smooth, given the input target image       and its reconstructed image    . The details are shown in Equation
               (3). To make the photometric loss effective and meaningful, some assumptions need to be set: (1) the scenes
               are Lambertian; and (2) the scenes should be static and unsheltered.
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