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Page 24 of 27                   Wang et al. Intell Robot 2023;3(4):538-64  I

                                      Table 5. Average execution time by typical optimization algorithms
                                                           = 10                   = 20
                                 Number of UAVs
                                              PE-GA  ME-PSO  OURS    PE-GA  ME-PSO  OURS
                                           = 3  2.8s  2.6s    3.1s    4.9s   4.8s    5.1s
                                           = 6  4.6s  4.5s   4.8s     7.8s    7.5s  8.5s

                         Table 6. Average number of targets found using typical optimization algorithms at simulation step    = 100
                                                            = 3                    = 6
                                 Number of targets
                                               PE-GA  ME-PSO  OURS    PE-GA  ME-PSO  OURS
                                           = 1  1*     0.43    1*             —
                                           = 2  1.68   0.85   1.83     1.95   1.18    2*
                                           = 3         —               2.58   1.35   2.75
                                           = 4         —               3.23   1.85   3.58
                                                                ”*” represents that all targets are found

                           Table 7. Average number of targets found using different search methods at simulation step    = 100
                                                       = 3                              = 6
                      Number of targets
                                    Greedy search  Parallel search  CSMTPE  Greedy search  Parallel search  CSMTPE
                                = 1     0.93       0.60       1*                    —
                                = 2     1.65       1.23      1.83         2*         1.38      2*
                                = 3               —                      2.40        2.00      2.75
                                = 4               —                      3.13        2.48      3.58
                                                                          ”*” represents that all targets are found

               because of the added improvement methods, while the execution time of the three algorithms is roughly the

               We apply different algorithms to the search scenarios set in the third experiment and simulate the coopera-
               tive search using CSMTPE. The results of the average number of targets found using different optimization
               algorithms at simulation step    = 100 are shown in Table 6.

               Table 6 indicates that the ME-PSO has a significantly smaller number of targets found compared to other
               algorithms, while the search result using PE-GA is slightly worse than that using IGAFA. This is consistent
               with the conclusion obtained in Figure 15, proving that IGAFA is more suitable for solving such problems.

               6.5. Comparison of different search methods
               We now compare the CSMTPE proposed in this paper with traditional greedy search method and parallel
               search method. The greedy search method calculates each grid cell within the motion range of each UAV in
               each simulation step according to Equation (10) with       = 1, and selects the cell with the minimum objective
               function value as the cell to be searched in the next simulation step. The parallel search method refers to the
               parallel search of targets by each UAV in the mission area, achieving a coverage search. Table 7 shows the
               search results using different search methods at simulation step    = 100 under the same configuration in the
               third experiment, and Figure 16 shows the combination result of targets found at simulation steps    = 25,
                  = 50, and    = 100.

               Table 7 indicates that CSMTPE has more targets in comparing search methods. Parallel search does not con-
               sider the initial distribution information of the target, and the search range is too rough, resulting in poor
               search efficiency. Greedy search has a similar search rate to CSMTPE in Case I and Case III, but overall, the
               number of targets found is lower than CSMTPE.

               As shown in Figure 16, when using the greedy search method, the number of targets found is significantly
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62