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Page 470                         Phadke et al. Intell Robot 2023;3:453-78

               Table 6. Categorization of referenced study by the major resilience module/component they consider (general)
                Resilience component/module highlighted                        Referenced study
                Path planning                                                  [115]
                Obstacle avoidance and detection                               [115]
                Task assignment/reassignment                                   [108,118]
                Flocking                                                       [116,117]
                Network connectivity and structure                             [116,119]
                Swarm size scalability                                         [116]
                Agent property (heterogeneity)                                 [108]
                Scalable resilience evaluation metrics                         [120]
                Navigation                                                     [110,112-114,121]
                Area coverage                                                  [98]
                Formation control                                              [106,107]

               property component. An application where budget constraints apply is for efficient sensing of the
               environment using low-cost sensors onboard toy drones. The study in  uses a divided framework to map
               its surrounding terrain with a fast 3D model in the frontend and an offline backend that uses an MVS
               (Multi-View Stereo) to create a higher resolution 3D model. Such models aim to combine fast sensing and
               data acquisition platforms with post-processing methodology for high-resolution data acquisition. This
               provides a good example of using fast MVS methodologies to create an automated low-cost 3D map from
               inexpensive UAVs, with potential applications in surveying and mapping. For accurate comprehensive
               mapping ability, an optimized area coverage approach is vital. Most Flying Ad Hoc Network (FANET)
               applications require the ROI (Region of Interest) to be maximally covered, with additional constraints such
               as time and resource limitations. Setting optimized waypoints is often the first step in semi-autonomous
               flight planning systems . This, combined with dynamic grid decomposition and selection schemes,
               provides better results than planner-only approaches.

               Autonomous swarm navigation with multi-target sensing and tracking in the presence of dynamic obstacles
               is another such generalized development that can be applied to military, SAR, and general surveying
               applications discussed above. Navigation methods need to be fault-tolerant and capable of functioning in
               sparse and GNSS-deprived environments [110,111] . Indoor localization [112,113]  is an additional challenge where
               GNSS signals might be weaker, hence relying on other sensor readings, passive beacons, fiducial
               markers , or cooperative localization techniques.

               Article  discusses a multi-view approach to swarm management, path planning, and obstacle detection
               and tracking using trust region policy and proximal policy optimization algorithms. An interesting
               assumption by the study is that the agents are homogeneous; heterogeneous agent additions have been
               omitted. The authors in  present a distributed flocking protocol for mid-sized UAV swarms (< 100
               agents) where they define swarm size, communication radius, and collision parameters to create resilient
               implementations and a research methodology for future development in control theories and statistical
               analysis of the results. This requires the design of relevant scalable metrics for performance evaluation.

               Data transfer policies between swarm agents and non-connected swarm entities are a network issue for
               swarm devices. Article  proposes an adaptive data transfer method for separated non-swarm devices using
               offline evolving swarms to enable the connection between disconnected network nodes. The resultant
               swarm was able to adapt emergent behavior and achieve effective transmission between the desired nodes.
               Resource allocation and task assignment problems are also prevalent issues in all scenarios, application-
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