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Page 2 of 8                                                 Dutta et al. Hepatoma Res 2019;5:23  I

               Table 1. Case report of breast cancer with liver metastasis at diagnosis and re-treated with radiosurgery
                Date              Event               Treatment                    Investigations
                Sept 2014   Left Breast carcinoma  Lumpectomy à Left MRM  PETCT – Hypermetabolic liver metastases in Seg VII
                            pT2N2M1                                    (size - 2 cm × 1.6 cm)
                            ER/PR +ve; Her2neu +ve
                Oct 2014    SBRT (1st CK)      SBRT to Segment VII liver lesions – 45 Gy in 3 fractions, ( prescription to 88% isodose )
                Nov 2014    Adjuvant chemotherapy   TCH –Taxol, carbolatin, Herceptin × 6 cycles ; Herceptin continued × 1 yr
                Mar 2015    Adjuvant radiation therapy  EBRT to left chest wall and region nodes -50 Gy/25 fr/ 5 wk
                            Hormonal therapy   Inj Goserelin and Tab Tamoxifen
                April 2016  Restaging          PETCT - No significant metabolically active disease
                Sept 2016   Restaging          PETCT - Interval new hepatic metastases in segment VIII (3 cm × 2.4 cm)
                Sept 2016   SBRT (2nd CK)      SBRT to Seg VIII liver lesion – 45 Gy/3 fr ( prescription at 88% iso-dose)
                Oct 2016    Change hormonal therapy  Letrazole , Herceptin restarted, Inj Goserlin continuing
                March 2018  Restaging          PETCT - Abnormal increased uptake in subtle hypodensity in segment VI of liver
                                               (SUVMax 6.5)
                April 2018  SBRT (3rd CK)      SBRT to seg VI liver lesion - 50 Gy/5 fr, prescription at 88%
                                               Continuing Herceptin, Inj Goserlin
                Sep 2018    Restaging          PETCT – liver lesion completely resolved. No other abnormality detected
               SBRT: stereotactic body radiotherapy; PETCT: positron emission tomography–computed tomography; EBRT: external beam radiation

               function . Only after high precision RT was introduced and clinicians had knowledge regarding partial
               liver radiation, RT gained momentum in the treatment of liver tumours. Stereotactic radiation therapy with
               real time liver tracking have helped in delivering safely high dose precise short course RT (radiosurgery) in
               liver tumours. However, the risk of liver injury is always a concern in treatment of liver tumours. In such a
               situation it is likely that re-irradiation (Re-RT) in liver tumours will be rarely reported.

               Fiducial based robotic radiosurgery (CyberKnife, CK, Accuray®; Sunnyvale, CA) gives liberty to deliver
               high dose radiation to liver tumours and restrict dose to surrounding healthy liver cells, thereby increasing
               the potential for Re-RT . Re-RT in liver tumours is a challenge, and needs active evaluation of possible
               toxicities before initiating the treatment. There are higher risks of liver decompensation and incidence of
               RILD. Toxicity and response to treatment after stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) depends upon mean
               liver dose, amount of spared normal liver volume, previous treatment and modality of treatment . On the
               other hand, regenerative potential of hepatocytes is rapid and rapidly proliferating hepatocytes replacement
               of necrotic liver tissue, those expected to have no “memory” of RT as they are naïve to radiation . Hence,
               there is a potential for Re-RT in liver with rapid regeneration of hepatocytes . We are reporting a series
               of two breast cancer patients presented with liver oligometastasis and are treated with fiducial based
               CyberKnife system (CK).

               CASE REPORT
               A forty-five year-old female was diagnosed in Sept 2014 with left breast cancer (2 cm × 2 cm, Upper Outer
               Quadrant, mobile axillary nodes) [Table 1]. Metastatic workup with PET-CT revealed solitary metastasis
               in segment VII of liver (2 cm × 1.6 cm, SUVmax -7). She had normal liver function (Child Pugh A) and
               viral markers were negative. She underwent Left Modified radical mastectomy and was subsequently
               treated with CK (45 Gy in 3 fractions, prescribed to 88%, mean liver dose 681 cGy) in Oct 2014 [Figure 1].
               Histopathology - Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC), Gr III, 5/11 nodes positive, ER/PR +ve, Her2neu +ve.
               She received chemotherapy (Taxane based chemotherapy) followed by adjuvant RT to chest wall (45 Gy/25
               fr/5 wk) and then received Trastuzumab for 1 year along with Tamoxifen (HT). Follow up PET scan in 2015
               was complete response (CR) and no focal lesion seen in liver. Repeated PET scan (Sept 2016) showed a new
               solitary liver lesion (3 cm × 2.5 cm, SUVmax -8) in segment VIII. She was re-irradiated with CK (45 Gy/3 fr,
               88% isodose, mean liver dose 771 cGy). Follow-up PET scan (Mar 2017) showed no evidence of disease and
               repeat scan in Nov 2017 showed complete regeneration of both segment VII and VIII region without any
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