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Dutta et al. Hepatoma Res 2019;5:23  I                                                  Page 5 of 8

               Table 2. Case report of breast cancer with liver metastasis at follow up evaluation and re-treated with radiosurgery
                Date            Event                 Treatment                    Investigations
                Nov 2010  Right breast carcinoma  Right BCS (pT1N1M0) – Lumpectomy + SNLB and axillary dissection.
                          ER/PR +ve, Her2neu -ve 4 × CEF + 4 × Docetaxel – RT- 50 Gy/25 fr + 10 Gy, then Tamoxifen
                Feb 2014  Metastatic disease   USG Abdomen – Multiple lesions in Liver.
                          detected          PET CT – Multiple metastatic deposits in both lobes of liver, largest 7.6 cm × 9 cm –Seg VI,
                                            No other focus of distant metastases.
                                            Needle biopsy Liver lesion – Metastatic high grade ductal carcinoma (ER/PR +ve, Her2neu
                                            negative); CA 15.3: 1291
                                            Started on Abraxane × 4 Cycle
                June 2014  Restaging        Partial response
                                            PETCT – Significant reduction in no of lesions, metabolic activity and size. CA 15.3 = 60.
                                            Started on LHRHA + Anastrozole
                Oct 2014  Chemotherapy      Abraxane × 3 cycles,        Rising CA 15.3 = 39 à 66
                                            then Gem/Carbo × 4 Cycle    PET CT - Disease progression - Increase in size
                                                                        and metabolic activity of liver lesion Segment VII
                                                                        ( 4.5 cm × 4 cm; SUVmax 6.1 ) . New metabolic
                                                                        active liver lesion segment VI (1.4 cm × 1.4 cm;
                                                                        SUVmax 5.4 )
                March 2015   Restaging      Complete metabolic response  PETCT - Complete resolution of metabolic activity
                                                                        and reduction in size of lesions in segment VI, VII.
                                                                        On Tamoxifen
                Aug 2015  Progression       Inj Goserlin monthly + Exemestane +   CA 15.3 = 25
                                            Everolimus                  PETCT - Disease progression – New small liver
                                            Then on Capecitabine        lesions in segment V, VI, VII . No other site of
                                                                        distant metastases.
                Feb 2016  Restaging         PETCT – Significant reduction in size of all lesions. 2 lesions appear metabolically active –
                                            Segment VI – 1.8 cm × 1.5 cm , SUVmax 4.7 ; Seg VI/VII – 2.2 cm × 2.2 cm , SUVmax 7.6
                March 2016  1st CK Liver    SBRT - 45 Gy in 3 fractions (prescribed to 86% isodose line) delivered to the two FDG avid
                                            liver lesions
                                            Then on Ipilimumab + Nivolumab × 7 cycles
                July 2016  Restaging        CECT scan – resolution of all lesions , except lesion in Seg VI/VII which has substantially
                                            reduced in size.(2 cm × 1.2 cm)
                Nov 2016  3rd CK Liver      MRI Brain –2.3 cm × 2.8 cm × 3.2 cm in left premotor region . CK 27 Gy/3 fr
                          CK – Brain        PET-CT - Disease Progression - New FDG avid lesion in left lobe of liver - Segment II (2.3 cm
                                            × 2.5 cm × 2 cm, SUVmax 8.0)
                                            SBRT to Segment II liver lesion – 45 Gy in 3 fractions, (prescribed to 87% isodose line).
                March 2017  Restaging       PET-CT - Disease Progression – Segment II lesion - CR. Three new FDG avid poorly enhancing
                                            ill defined lesions appeared Seg IVa (1.1 cm × 1.3 cm , SUVmax 4.2), Seg III/IV (1.8 cm × 1.3 cm,
                                            SUVmax 8.0), Seg VI (1.2 cm × 1.2 cm, SUVmax 5.8)
                                            FDG avid small lesion on left side of sacrum near neural foramina.
                April 2017  4th CK          Dose of 25 Gy in 5 fractions to sacral lesion
                June 2018  Expired due to disease progression
               FDG: fluorodeoxyglucose; SNLB: sentinel lymph node biopsy; BCS: breast conservative surgery; SUV:  ; CECT:  ; CEF:

               previous dose distribution was evaluated. No “hot spot” (more than prescribed dose) outside the target
               volume was seen. Follow-up PET scan (Oct 2017) showed extensive metastasis in other organs. She was on
               metronomic chemotherapy and expired with progressive disease on June 2018.

               Re-radiation in liver tumours are not common in clinical practice. There are only few published literatures
               in this aspect and no standard consensus regarding dosage schedule . In most of the subsites, such as
               in head and neck cancer or cervical cancer, in re-irridiation setting there is usually reduction of total
               dose (BED) . Treatment volume is limited and fractionation schedule modified depending upon “time
               to re-treat”. Irridiated volume is also important in selection of fractionation schedule . Usually, in head
               and neck cancer “seven” year time is considered “safe” to re-challenge with full dose of RT. In case of re-
               radiation before that period, there is a reduction of dose depending upon the “time to re-treat”. Usually
               15% dose “decay” considered in 1st year after RT and then every year 10% “decay” in dose. As the time
               gap between primary RT and re-irridiation is increasing, it’s safer to deliver higher (adequate) dose of RT
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