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INTRODUCTION                                       at a single institution was undertaken. Patients with complete
                                                               mesenteric venous thrombosis were excluded from LT, and
            In 1985, Shaw et al.  reported the first successful cases of   all other patients were included in the analysis. Pre-operative
            liver transplantation (LT) in the setting of recipient portal   patient demographics and clinical status were evaluated to
            vein thrombosis (PVT). PVT was once considered an absolute   identif y any potential risk factors for PVT. Routine imaging at
            contraindication to LT due to the considerable risk of   our center consists of liver Doppler ultrasound (US) and a cross-
            intraoperative mortality and the technical difficulty of the   sectional imaging either a triple phase computed tomography
            operation.  Advancements in operative technique, greater   (CT) or an Eovist magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All imaging
            experience with the operation, and improved intra-operative   was reviewed by a multidisciplinary conference held weekly
            anesthesia management have now made LT in patients with   with  all  surgeons,  hepatologists,  body  imaging  radiologist,
            PVT increasingly common. [3]                       and interventional radiologists present. Interval imaging after
                                                               listing a patient for transplantation consists of the US every 6
            It is estimated that the prevalence of PVT in cirrhotic patients   months. In patients with malignancy, contrasted CT, or MRI is
            who are the candidates for LT ranges from 5% to 26%.  Despite   done every 3 months until LT. The effectiveness of diagnosing
            its prevalence, the understanding of PVT in the context of LT   PVT pre-LT, when PVT was later identified at LT, was evaluated
            remains incomplete. Furthermore, the impact of PVT on the   for US, CT, MRI, and retrograde portal venography (RPV). Patient
            natural history and progression of cirrhosis is uncertain.    and graft survival were considered as primary endpoints.
            Although there is no clear evidence that PVT leads to further   Blood utilization, LOS, and overall morbidity (Clavien grade II
            deterioration of liver function in advanced cirrhosis, this is   or greater) were used as surrogates of resource utilization.
            often a common assumption or observation. Furthermore,   These were our secondary endpoints.
            PVT may be a source of technical difficulties in the particular
            setting  of  transplantation  leading  to  a  negative  impact  on   Statistical analysis
            outcomes.  To date, the evidence regarding the effect of PVT   Continuous variables were compared between the groups
            on LT outcomes is mixed.
                                                               using Student’s t-test, categorical variables were compared
                                                               using Chi-square test, and the serial values were compared
            The mixed evidence exists regarding the risk factors for PVT,   using  analysis  of variance (ANOVA). Kaplan-Meier with
            as well as the utility of preoperative imaging protocols in
            identifying the patients with, or at risk for PVT.  As a result,   log-rank analysis  of  actuarial patient  and  graft  survival
            it is estimated that more than 50% of patients with PVT remain   were calculated. LOS  and PRBC were analyzed using
            undiagnosed until the time of surgery, even when a rigorous   ANOVA.  Overall  morbidity  (Clavien  grade  II  or  greater)
            pre-operative screening protocol is utilized. [10,11]  In addition,   was compared between the groups by Chi-square analysis.
            the full extent of PVT is not evident until the LT operation.    Pre-operative  characteristics  that  were  significant  on
            Since surgeons are unable to rely on imaging, pre-operative   univariate analysis were evaluated by logistic regression
            planning according to the severity of thrombosis remains   to identify any potential risk factors for PVT. Multivariate
            difficult. However, as is the case with known PVT, it is still   survival analysis was done with a Cox proportional hazards
            undetermined whether or how the occult, or incorrectly   model, and independent predictors of LOS and PRBC were
            graded PVT, discovered at LT, impacts outcome.     analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance.

            Regarding the resource utilization in LT, it has been shown   RESULTS
            that longer length of stay (LOS) and higher cost of care are
            associated with increased severity of illness, increased number   Of 216 patients undergoing cadaveric LT, 30 (13.8%) patients
            of  procedures  performed,  and  younger  age.   Resource   had PVT at the time of operation. Two hundred and five
            utilization data specific to LT with PVT is limited. However, PVT   patients had at least one diagnostic imaging study within
            has been associated with longer operative times and increased   1-year of LT. Only, 7 of 30 patients with PVT (23.3%) had at
            use of blood products. [13]                        least one positive imaging study suggestive of PVT pre-LT.
                                                               The sensitivity of imaging techniques ranged 4.8-50%, and the
            Herein, an analysis of the risk factors for PVT and independent   negative predictive value ranged 10.5-22.2% [Table 1].
            predictors of survival were undertaken. We review the
            commonly used modalities for detection of PVT, and the effects   Analysis of perioperative variables for those patients with and
            of an uncertain pre-operative diagnosis of PVT on survival   without PVT revealed that there was a significantly higher model
            and resource utilization as determined by blood utilization/  for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score (25.0 vs. 21.4, P = 0.049)
            transfusion rate [packed red blood cell (PRBC)], LOS, and post-  and age (57.8 vs. 53.8, P = 0.041) in those with PVT, although
            operative morbidity at our institution.            intensive care unit (ICU) status approached statistical significance
                                                               (30%  vs.  15.6%,  P  =  0.07)  [Table  2].  However,  in  our  small
            METHODS                                            series, the only factor by logistic regression that significantly
                                                               predicted PVT was age [P = 0.037; hazard ratio (HR) = 0.95].
            A retrospective analysis of 216 consecutive adult patients
            undergoing cadaveric LT from January 2007 to December 2013   Overall 90-day, the patient and graft survivals were 90.7% and

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