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protein  p53 (TP53),  catenin  (cadherin-associated   were mutated in over 10% HCC specimens,  [13,14]
           protein) beta 1 (β-catenin, CTNNB1), and AT-rich   similar to previous reports, confirming the important
           interactive domain-containing protein 2 (ARID2), with   role of chromatin-remodeling in the pathogenesis
           mutation frequency over 15%. [2-4]  Other mutated genes   of HCC. In addition, Janus kinase 1 (JAK1) mutation
           such as SMAD2/SMAD4 in the transforming growth     was identified  with  mutation rate of 9.1% through
           factor beta (TGF-β) pathway, caspase 8 (CASP8), and   the whole-genome sequencing of 88 HCC cases,
           Kruppel-like factor 6 were identified with mutation   and the  JAK/STAT pathways  were  altered in  45.5%
           frequency around 10% in HCC, [5-7]  while most other   of cases,  inconsistent with a previous study which
           mutated  genes  were  identified  with  relatively  low   reported low frequency (1/84, 1.2%) of JAK1 mutation
           frequency of < 10%  in HCC.  Germline mutations    in HCC,  implying that the JAK/STAT pathways may
           in  the  TP53 gene  have been  identified  in  patients   act as major oncogenic drivers in HCC. However, the
           with  Li-Fraumeni  syndrome,  which  is  an  inherited   fact that the most frequently mutated genes were
           cancer predisposition syndrome characterized by    generally previously reported, and that few novel
           a wide spectrum of neoplasms.  Somatic  TP53       mutated genes with high mutation frequencies were
           mutations  were identified in virtually any tumor   identified by whole-genome sequencing suggests the
           type including HCC, particularly following exposure   complexity regarding the role of genetic mutations
           to aflatoxin. [9,10]  According to the IARC database,   in the pathogenesis of HCC.
           1840 TP53 somatic mutations have been identified
           in 31.19% of liver cancer cases (IARC TP53 Database   It has been reported that genomic instability  is a
           R17, The mutation  of  β-catenin   characteristic of most cancers. Genomic instability
           gene in WNT/CTNNB1 pathway has been identified     results  from mutations in  DNA repair genes  and
           in HCC with a frequency of 15.9%, which can lead to   drives cancer development in hereditary cancers.
           the activation of CTNNB1 gene with the consequence   However, in sporadic  cancers, previous studies
           of  overexpression  and accumulation  of  β-catenin.    and recent high-throughput sequencing studies
           ARID2 is a subunit of the PBAF chromatin-remodeling   suggested that mutations in DNA repair genes
           complex,   which    facilitates  ligand-dependent  were infrequent. Instead, the mutation patterns of
           transcriptional activation by nuclear receptors. In the   the  tumor  suppressor  TP53,  ataxia  telangiectasia
           United States and Europe, 18.2% of HCV-associated   mutated  (ATM), and cyclin-dependent kinase
           HCC  cases  were  identified  with  ARID2-inactivating   inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) support the oncogene-induced
           mutations.  However, studies have also reported    DNA replication stress model, which attributes
           mutation frequencies of approximately  5-10%  for   genomic instability  and  TP53 and  ATM mutations
           ARID2 in HCC and truncation of ARID2 leads to loss of   to oncogene-induced DNA damage,  that is,  high
           protein function and chromatin dysregulation. [4,11,12]  frequency of TP53 mutations in human cancers could
                                                              be in response to oncogene-induced DNA damage.
           With the development of whole-genome sequencing    The  hypothesis  was confirmed  by  several  studies
           technology, the next generation sequencing of      showing  that deletion of the  TP53 gene  in  mouse
           genome DNA provides the possibility that more novel   models and human cells did not lead to aneuploidy,
           genetic and genomic alterations may be discovered   and that in human precancerous lesions,  genomic
           and may  provide  new  insights  for understanding   instability  was present before the establishment
           the  pathogenesis  of HCC.  However,  several  recent   of  TP53 mutations. [17-19]  Consistent  with the above
           studies using next generation sequencing for analysis   studies, previous studies and recent whole-genome
           of mutation in HCC showed that the most frequent   sequencing  of HCC also showed that mutations  in
           mutations with mutated rate over 10% were mainly   DNA  repair  genes  in  HCC  were  infrequent, [2,13,14,20]
           genes  reported previously  such as  TP53,  β-catenin,   suggesting  there may be similar mechanisms of
           and genes  of chromatin-remodeling  complex        genetic mutations  in somatic HCC, that is, high
           such as AT-rich interactive domain 1A (ARID1A)     frequency of TP53 mutations and additional genetic
           (14/110). [2,13,14]  Only a few genes were identified   mutations favoring cancer development in somatic
           with mutation rates over 10%, for example, the low-  HCC could be in response to oncogene-induced DNA
           density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1B gene,   damage.
           reported by Kan et al.  to have a mutation rate of
           11.4% in patients with family hypercholesterolemia.   Single nucleotide polymorphism
           Notably, several components of the chromatin-      Single  nucleotide  polymorphism  (SNP)  is  the  most
           remodeling  complex, such as ARID1A and ARID2      common  genetic  variation  in  the  human  genome.

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