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A                                    B

            Figure 4: A 64-year-old man with hepatocellular carcinoma in the S2 of the liver. (A) Conventional digital subtraction angiography didn’t show
            tumor stain, affected by heart pulsation; (B) coronal multiple planar reconstruction image of cone-beam computed tomography showed a
            hypervascular tumor with a diameter of 14 mm in the liver (arrow)

            With regard to nodule detection ability, DSA imaging   three-dimensional imaging (MIP and VR images) facilitates
            combined with CBCT imaging detected all 39 hepatic   the easy isolation of anteroposterior overlapping vessels.
            nodules, including the eight nodules that were difficult to   A detailed search for feeding arteries associated with the
            identify  with  DSA  imaging.  Miyayama  et al.   previously   nodules may be conducted if tomographic images (MPR) are
            reported  that  small  HCC  nodules  approximately  1  cm  in   used after understanding the general vessel anatomy with
            size, undetected by DSA imaging, were detected with CBCT   three-dimensional imaging [Figure 5]. Another advantage
            imaging, thus making TACE possible for such cases. The   of CBCT imaging is that it helps in freely determining
            average nodule diameter in our study was similar to that   the most favorable working angle to isolate the feeding
            in the study by Miyayama et al.  at 13 mm. In contrast,   arteries and nodules that are the target of treatment, using
            Kakeda et al.  reported that CBCT imaging did not detect   three-dimensional images as a reference. This also makes
            tumors but detected feeding arteries. This is believed to   three-dimensional CBCT images  useful in superselective
            be because their evaluation was based only on MIP and   catheterization.
            VR images, with small or weakly enhanced nodules not
            being  revealed  during  three-dimensional  reconstruction.   The number of feeding arteries identified by CBCT imaging
            In this study, evaluation was made using three-dimensional   in caudate lobe nodules has also increased. Endovascular
            MPR images as well as MIP and VR images. Evaluation with   intervention for HCC in the caudate lobe is generally
            MPR images is considered necessary for the identification   considered technically difficult.  Caudate branches are
            of  small  nodules  and  nodules  with  weak  enhancement.   high in number and variation. They branch off from the
            The advances in diagnostic imaging technology in recent   proximal side of the right or left hepatic arterial trunks, as
            years have made fine dynamic imaging with MDCT and   well as from the distal branches to the right lobe. [21,22]  These
            liver-specific MRI contrast agents possible, and the small   thin branches arising from thick vessels are difficult to
            hepatic nodules identified by these methods are becoming   identify with two-dimensional DSA imaging, further making
            increasingly subjective to endovascular intervention.  It is   selective catheterization difficult. In addition, multiple
            believed that CBCT imaging could become a useful tool for   caudate branches become feeding arteries. With the
            identification of such small nodules.             addition of CBCT imaging in such cases, we can appreciate
                                                              the detailed anatomical relationship between nodules and
            No bias by site was observed in nodule detection with CBCT   caudate branches with three-dimensional and tomographic
            imaging, although Figure 4 clearly shows that CBCT imaging   imaging of the vessel, which is considered useful in selecting
            is considered useful in areas where DSA imaging alone is   an appropriate working angle.
            insufficient because of cardiac pulsations and respiratory
            movements.                                        In endovascular intervention for HCC, we place a catheter
                                                              in the common hepatic artery (proper or replaced hepatic
            With regard to feeding artery identification capabilities,   artery) and obtain mapping CBCT images with the purpose
            CBCT imaging was superior in identifying feeding arteries   of establishing therapeutic objectives. CBCT imaging
            associated with nodules located in the right hepatic lobe.   with  selective  catheterization  is  believed  to  be  useful  in
            This lobe is deep anteroposteriorly, and the right anterior   confirming the territory of the tumor that was stained
            and posterior branches of the hepatic artery often overlap,   before arterial infusion and embolization,  although it is
            leading to poor  isolation in two-dimensional images of   not routinely performed at our facility because its utility is
            the anteroposterior direction. [18,19]  The addition of CBCT   unclear. In addition, frequent imaging takes time and effort.
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