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Brief Communication

            Hepatic disorder in Zika virus infection

            Viroj Wiwanitkit   1,2,3,4
            1 Department of Tropical Medicine, Hainan Medical University, Haikou 571199, Hainan, China.
            2 Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, 18000 Nis, Serbia.
            3 Department of Biological Science, Joseph Ayobabalola University, Ikeji-Arakeji 233121, Nigeria.
            4 Department of Community Medicine, Dr. DY Patil Medical University, Pune 411018, Maharashtra, India.

                 Zika virus infection is the present global problem. This arbovirus infection can cause acute illness and affect fetus in utero.
                 However, there can be other additional clinical manifestation including to the hepatic disorder. In this short commentary
                 article, the author briefly discusses on the liver problem due to Zika virus infection.

                 Key words: Zika virus; liver disorder; infection

            Corresponding Author:
            Prof. Viroj Wiwanitkit, Wiwanitkit House, Bangkhae, Bangkok 10160, Thailand. E-mail:
            Received: 31-05-2016, Accepted: 02-06-2016

            INTRODUCTION                                      the clinical report of new epidemics, Deng  et al.
                                                              and Zheng et al.  mentioned for no abnormal liver function
            Zika virus is an arbovirus that can cause acute febrile illness.   in infected cases. In infected death fetus, the molecular
            At present, it is the big public health threat.  The infection   pathology also revealed no observed virus in liver tissue.
            can be serious and can cause neurological complication. In   However, there was an interesting report at the time when
            addition, the serious effect on development of fetus in utero   the Zika virus had just been discovered by Macnamara
            can be seen. Hence, World Health Organization document   that Zika virus could be isolated from the cases presenting
            Zika virus infection as an important problem that needs   with jaundice during the outbreak of jaundice in Africa.  In
            urgent attention and management. [2]              addition, the recent animal mice model study revealed that
                                                              the Zika virus RNA can be seen in Zika virus infected mice.
            Briefly, Zika virus infection can cause a dengue like illness and   In fact, Zika virus is usually included in differential diagnosis
            can be easily misdiagnosed.  The acute hemorrhagic fever can   of acute febrile illness due to arbovirus infections including
            be the first presentation of Zika virus infection. Nevertheless,   to yellow fever.  Hence, the question whether there is
            there can be other atypical manifestations. The atypical clinical   any interrelationship between Zika virus infection and liver
            manifestations can add difficulty in diagnosis of the Zika virus   pathology is still a topic for further research.
            infection. Of several atypical clinical problems, liver disorder   CO-INFECTION WITH HEPATITIS VIRUS: A TOPIC THAT
            can be seen and this is an issue that is less mentioned. In this   IS STILL A MYTH
            short commentary, the authors discusses on the liver disorder
            seen in Zika virus infection.                     Finally, it should be noted that Zika virus can be concomitantly
                                                              seen with other infections (such as dengue  and human
            EVIDENCE OF LIVER DISORDER IN ZIKA VIRUS          immunodeficiency virus ). In hepatology, the topic that is
            INFECTION                                         still a myth is the concomitance between Zika virus infection
                                                              and viral hepatitis. Although there has never been report on
            There are limited reports on liver pathology in Zika virus   this issue, it is no doubt that the co-infection already occurred
            infection. Most reports showed no abnormality in liver. In   in many tropical countries that presently have the problem of
                                                              Zika virus epidemic. How the Zika virus infection superimpose
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              10.20517/2394-5079.2016.17                        How to cite this article: Wiwanitkit V. Hepatic disorder in Zika virus
                                                                infection. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:203-4.
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