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Table 1: Metabolic changes in ESLD for liver transplant   Table 3: Nutrition in chronic liver disease-recommendations
             candidates [5-7]                                  1997 [45]
             Metabolic changes        Abnormalities            Clinical      Non-protein   Protein or amino acid
             Glucose metabolism      Insulin resistance;       condition       energy        (g/kg per day)
                               depleted hepatic glycogen stores;           (kcal/kg per day)
                              fat is utilized as the main substrate for   Compensated   25-35   1.0-1.2
                             energy, increased gluconeogenesis, lipid   cirrhosis
                                oxidation and protein catabolism  Complications
             Protein metabolism  Increased protein catabolism;  Inadequate     35-40              1.5
                               amino acid metabolism alterations;  intake
                             imbalance of BCAA and aromatic amino   Malnutrition
                                         acids                 Encephalopathy   25-35       Transiently 0.5, then
             Lipid metabolism  Polyunsaturated fatty acids deficiency;  I-II             1.0-1.5 if protein intolerant:
                               deficiency of essential fatty acid and                          vegetable
                              long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids                     protein or BCAA supplement
            ESLD: end stage liver disease; BCAA: branched-chain amino acids  Encephalopathy   25-35  0.5-1.2 BCAA-enriched
                                                               III-IV                           solution
             Table 2: Formula for REE [18,19]                 BCAA: branched-chain amino acids
             Gender                  Formula
             For males   REE (kcal) = 66 + 13.7 × W (kg) + 5 × H (cm)   thermogenesis [25,26]  and the energy cost of defined physical
                                  – 6.8 × A (years)           activity  in  stable  cirrhosis  patients [27,28]   and  it  also  shows
             For females  REE (kcal) = 655 + 9.6 × W (kg) + (1.7 × H (cm)   no deviation from values obtained in healthy patients. The
                                  – 4.7 × A (years)           spontaneous physical activity level is also low in cirrhotics. [5,28]
            REE: resting energy expenditure
                                                              In  cirrhotics  without  ascites,  the  actual body weight
            assessment can include combination of nutrition tools like   should be  used for the  calculation of the  BMR using
            anthropometry, body composition analysis, subjective global   Harris and Benedict formulae. In patients with ascites the
            assessment, and hand grip strength to formulate a composite   ideal weight according to body height should be used.
            score for assessment of malnutrition. [17]        In general, non-protein energy provision of 1.3 × REE is
                                                              sufficient. [29,30]  For most patients, the daily caloric need
            NUTRITION TREATMENT FOR PRE-LIVER                 equals (1.2-1.4) × REE (25-30 kcal/kg body weight).
                                                              Administration of adequate calories is critical for the efficient
            The goals of nutritional therapy are to improve protein energy   use of protein sources, particularly when patients are protein
            malnutrition and correct nutrient deficiencies. This can be   restricted. Excess calories particularly from carbohydrate,
            accomplished by meeting nutrient requirements.    should be avoided because it promotes hepatic lipogenesis,
                                                              liver dysfunction and increased carbon dioxide production
            Energy requirement                                leading to increased work of breathing.
            When energy expenditure is related to lean body mass,
            patients with advanced liver disease have increased resting   For  patients  with  steatorrhea,  it  is  important  to  limit
            energy expenditure (REE). [18,19]  Despite the usually offsetting   long-chain fatty  acids and increase  short-chain  and
            errors of excess total body water in estimation of REE   medium-chain fatty acids in the formula. Pancreatic
            from the Harris-Benedict equation [Table 2], [18,19]  it is still   enzymes should be supplemented, especially in patients
            considered useful to measure the REE by way of indirect   with alcohol-related cirrhosis.  The serum lipid variables
            calorimetry  in  some  patients  with  severe  liver  disease.   appeared to be more useful indicators of functional liver
            Increased REE (hypermetabolic) was found over controls   improvement than the classic liver function tests. [33]
            in patients with cirrhosis. But this is not a uniform finding
            since hypometabolism as well as normometabolism   Protein requirements
            have been observed in patients with cirrhosis. [19-21]  When   In clinical intervention trials proteins were given in
            related to predicted energy expenditure among stable   amounts of 0.6-1.2 g/kg per day for  patients with cirrhosis
            cirrhotics, a subgroup of 15-20% may be considered as   and severe encephalopathy  and 0.5-1.6 g/kg per day in
            hypermetabolic,  25-30%  as  hypometabolic  and  the  large   patients with alcoholic hepatitis with or without low grade
            majority as normometabolic.  Increased REE has also been   encephalopathy.  Patients with stable cirrhosis appear to
            observed during complications of liver disease, such as   have increased protein requirements of 1.2 g/kg per day to
            acute hepatic failure,  high volume ascites,  or presence   maintain nitrogen homeostasis as opposed to 0.8 g/kg per day
            of hepatocellular carcinoma.  Measurements of total energy   in normal individuals.  The reasons for this phenomenon are
            expenditure in patients with cirrhosis indicate that the 24 h   not yet clear, but the increased protein requirement seems
            energy requirement of cirrhosis patients amounts to about   to be due to increased whole body protein degradation
            130% of the basal metabolic rate (BMR).  Diet-induced   which may be due to low plasma levels of insulin-like
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