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Ultimately, for many patients the end result of a chronic   context  of decompensated cirrhosis, [224]   and a strong
            HBV  infection  is  the  development  of HBV-associated   relationship exists between chronic HBV infection and
            HCC. While seven therapeutics are currently approved for   cirrhosis. In fact, a recent cohort study demonstrated that
            the treatment of chronic HBV, none has proven successful   the cumulative lifetime risk of developing HBV-associated
            at achieving an “absolute cure” or a complete loss of   cirrhosis is 41.5% for chronically infected patients,
            HBV DNA and a lifetime  risk of development of HCC   with a cumulative  risk of developing  HCC  of 21.7%. [209]
            equal to natural clearing of the infection. Five of these   Therefore,  establishing  a  clearer  understanding  of  the
            therapeutics are nucleoside analogs, designed to directly   cellular mechanisms  associated with the intermediate
            inhibit  the RT. The other two, standard and pegylated   stages of chronic disease, particularly development of
            interferon-α, function as antiviral cytokines, signaling   cirrhosis, could enhance the overall understanding of
            through the interferon receptor to activate the JAK-STAT   causes of HBV-associated HCC.
            pathway. [11,219]  While generally effective at lowering viral
            load, the fact that none of these anti-HBV therapies   Numerous aspects of an HBV infection could be playing
            is  curative  means  these  therapies  must  be  life-long   a role in the development of HCC. It is logical to assume
            treatments, which eventually leads to the development   that  hepatotropic viruses  such as  HBV,  which  alter
            of HBV mutants that are resistant  to these therapies.   hepatocyte physiology as part of, or a consequence of
            Because of this, specific guidelines have been developed   their  replication, may  disrupt normal hepatocyte and
            for when to use antiviral therapy and which therapeutic   overall liver functions. Many of these disruptions and
            to use. [219]                                     alterations, either through viral replication or activities
                                                              of viral proteins such as HBx, could  be playing a role
            HBV AND HCC                                       in  the  development of downstream  HBV-associated
                                                              HCC  and have been  extensively  reviewed  elsewhere
            HCC, which accounts for 80-90% of all liver cancers, is one   in the literature. For example, HBV has been shown
            of the most common and most deadly cancers worldwide.   to disrupt cell  cycle  regulation, [227,228]  alter apoptotic
            Globally, liver cancer is the sixth most common and second   pathways, [229]   alter  hepatocyte  metabolism, [33]  and alter
            deadliest cancer, with an incidence to mortality rate near   miRNA expression and  miRNA-mediated regulation. [230]
            1. [222]  Epidemiological studies have identified chronic HBV   Many of these studies have focused on multiple cellular
            infection of the liver as the leading risk factor for HCC   signal transduction pathways, including those involving
            development. [223,224]  Despite the availability of a vaccine,   Ras/mitogen-associated  protein  kinases  (MAPK), [231]
            350-500 million people worldwide are chronically infected   mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), [232]   PI3K/
            with HBV and, depending on age and route of infection,   Akt, [86,233]  and NFκB, [229]  among  many  others.  Each of
            as  many  as  25%  of  these  individuals  could  go  on  to   these pathways and factors, while also important for HBV
            develop HBV-associated HCC. [224,225]  The number of cases   replication, are main mediators of hepatocyte functions.
            of HCC that are attributed to HBV will likely increase as   As such, disruption can have a major impact on hepatocyte
            occult infections become both better reported and better   physiology, which has generated a considerable amount
            understood.                                       of interest in their potential role as mechanisms for the
                                                              development of HBV-associated HCC. The results of some
            The  molecular mechanisms  that  link  a  chronic  HBV   of these studies are summarized here.
            infection to HCC development are incompletely
            understood but are likely subtle considering that HBV-  HBV and the cell cycle
            associated HCC usually occurs in the context of a decades-  As with many viruses, HBV must optimize the cellular
            long chronic HBV infection. Studies have focused on three   environment  for viral replication. In the case of HBV,
            main factors that may be involved in the development of   this involves inducing hepatocytes to exit quiescence
            HBV-associated HCC: chronic inflammation accompanied   and enter into an active cell cycle, and the status of cell
            by  destruction and regeneration  of hepatocytes,   proliferation  pathways  can have  a  significant  impact
            consequences of HBV DNA integration into host genome,   on HBV replication.  For example, in primary rat
            and the  potential  effects  of HBV  proteins  such  as   hepatocytes, HBV moved cells from G  into and through
            HBx. [88,92,93,225,226]  Some potential mechanisms that might   G ,  but  stalled progression  before  the  hepatocytes
            link an HBV infection to HCC development have already   were able to reach S phase, and this regulation of the
            been described above. Here we summarize  additional   cell cycle is required for HBV replication in primary rat
            mechanisms that have been suggested to link a chronic   hepatocytes.  Studies in cell lines suggest a similar HBV-
            HBV infection to the development of HCC.          mediated regulation of cell cycle progression, with HBV
                                                              stalling progression of the cell cycle before entry into S
            One particularly important intermediate  aspect of   phase in both Huh7 cells expressing HBV and the HBV-
            a decades-long chronic HBV infection includes the   expressing  HepG2.2.15 cells. [234]  Interestingly, studies
            development of HBV-associated cirrhosis prior to HCC   have also shown decreased proliferation of HepG2.2.15
            development. [219]  It is generally accepted that the majority,   cells, in comparison to HepG2  cells, along with HBV-
            potentially as much as 70-90%, of all HCC occurs in the   mediated alteration of cell cycle regulators leading to a G1
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