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have linked metabolic changes to effects of HBV proteins.   HBx expression. Specifically, inhibition of apoptosis was
            For example,  some  of the  earliest  functions attributed   linked  to  HBx-mediated  activation  of  NFκB;  however,
            to HBx involved its regulation of metabolic pathways,   when activation of NFκB was blocked, HBx induced
            such as HBx-mediated activation of the Ras-Raf-MAPK   apoptosis through pathways involving the mitochondria
            pathway, [256,257]  a central pathway involved in the   permeability transition pore (MPTP), a critical pore that
            response to nearly all changes that affect metabolism. [258]    spans the inner mitochondrial and outer mitochondrial
            Protein kinase C (PI3K)  is also activated by HBx, [259,260]    membranes  and  affects  numerous  mitochondrial
            which  correlates  with  recent  results  suggesting  HBV   functions,  including  mitochondrial  control  of
            and HBx activate the PI3K/Akt pathway, reducing HBV   apoptosis.  Whether HBV, through functions of HBx,
            replication. [86,233]  In addition, studies have shown that   regulates  apoptosis  as  a  mechanism  for  regulating
            mutant L-HBsAg can activate mTOR  signaling, [261-263]    viral replication or enhancing viral spread is currently
            ultimately causing increased lipogenesis. [262]   unknown. Although activation of apoptosis may impact
                                                              both viral spread, [280,281]  and immune evasion,  recent
            When considered in combination, these studies support   evidence suggests that alteration of apoptosis during
            the characterization of HBV as a “metabolovirus”, and   HBV infection is unlikely to impact viral spread. [282]
            HBV responds to and causes significant metabolic   Due to the regenerative nature of hepatocytes, it is
            changes in the cell. While the clinical impact of this   also possible that the impact of HBV on apoptosis may
            altered metabolic regulation remains unknown, some   fluctuate during the course of infection, as regenerating
            studies have suggested that HBV can “help” reduce   hepatocytes have different active signaling pathways
            fatty liver disease. [264]  The overall link between HBV and   than quiescent cells, and these could have differing
            metabolic syndrome remains less clear; however, studies   influences  on apoptotic  stimuli. [280,283,284]  Interestingly,
            that  consider  the  impact  of direct  infection  through   both the activation and the inactivation of apoptosis
            a major metabolic receptor may help to enhance our   could be playing a role in the long-term development
            understanding of the link between HBV and metabolic   of  HBV-associated  HCC:  enhanced  regeneration
            pathways, and how this relationship may impact the   associated with HBV-mediated activation of apoptosis
            metabolic state of the liver and the development of HBV-  could lead to selection of apoptosis-resistant cells, [285]
            associated disease and HCC.                       while inhibition of apoptosis could lead to unchecked
                                                              proliferation and the accumulation of transforming
            HBV and apoptosis                                 mutations. [93]   Although the exact mechanisms that
            Despite the many studies that have investigated the effect   underlie HBV and HBx regulation of apoptosis remain
            of an HBV infection and expression of HBV proteins on   incompletely understood, the cellular impact of altered
            hepatocyte pro- and anti-apoptotic signaling pathways,   apoptotic signaling could significantly contribute to the
            the interplay of an HBV infection and hepatocyte   downstream  development  of  HBV-associated  disease
            apoptotic signaling pathways remains incompletely   and HCC.
            understood. Because an HBV infection is non-cytopathic,
            it would be expected that HBV either inhibits or has little   HBV and microRNAs
            effect on apoptotic pathways. Evidence has suggested,   Potentially  spurred by  the  discovery  of the  required
            however, an HBV-mediated effect on cellular apoptosis   role of miR-122 in successful HCV  replication, [286,287]
            that  is  cell-type-  or  cell-context-dependent.  Some  of   multiple groups have begun to investigate how cellular
            these differing effects can be attributed to HBx activities,   miRNAs may impact various aspects of HBV biology, and
            which often have divergent functions depending on   alternatively,  how HBV  may  impact  the  expression  of
            context. In the case of apoptosis, some studies have   cellular miRNAs.  These effects have been reviewed in
            shown  that  HBx  can  inhibit  apoptosis [86,265-269]   or  have   more detail elsewhere. [230,288]
            no effect on apoptosis, [99,270,271]  while other studies have
            shown that HBx can activate apoptotic pathways [272-276]    While a wide range of cellular  miRNAs has been
            or sensitize cells to pro-apoptotic stimuli. [277-279]   The   investigated for their role in regulating or being regulated
            context-dependent apoptotic effects of HBx were clearly   by HBV, none has been  studied as extensively  as miR-
            shown by studies demonstrating that HBx sensitized   122.  This miRNA, which makes up 50-70%  of the total
            dedifferentiated hepatocytes to apoptosis, while HBx-  miRNA pool in hepatocytes [289,290]  has been shown to have
            expressing hepatocytes that remained differentiated   many different roles in the context of HBV replication.
            were resistant to apoptotic stimuli. [279]  This underscores   Although conflicting reports do exist, it seems that miR-
            the importance of using relevant cell systems for studying   122 functions as an antiviral miRNA, potentially through
            the  cellular  impact  of  HBV  replication  and  protein   multiple mechanisms. These mechanisms include direct
            expression on cell physiology. HBx was also shown   targeting of viral RNAs through miR-122 recognition sites
            to have divergent apoptotic functions in the context   in the HBV genome [291,292]  and altered miR-122-mediated
            of HBV replication. Studies in primary hepatocytes   regulation  of cellular factors involved in  regulation  of
            demonstrated that HBx can have both a pro- and anti-  HBV  replication,  such  as  heme  oxygenase-1, [293]   cyclin
            apoptotic effect, depending on the cellular context of   G1, [294,295]   and pituitary tumor-transforming gene 1
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