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phase arrest. [235]  Another study, however, in Huh7 cells and   to demonstrate overall modest HBV-mediated changes
            primary marmoset hepatocytes, demonstrated an HBV-  in lipid metabolism, but specific factors involved in both
            mediated stall in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. [236]  While   cholesterol and bile acid metabolism were significantly
            somewhat contradictory, these results together correlate   altered. Interestingly, similar results were seen in a
            well with the results of other studies showing that HBV   comparison  of HBV-infected humanized mice, mice
            replication is increased when the cell cycle is arrested in   treated with the HBV entry inhibitor Myrcludex-B, which
            either G  or G , but HBV replication is decreased during   mimics the preS1 domain and binds to hNTCP to block
            S phase, when cellular DNA synthesis would be higher,   HBV infection, and liver biopsy samples from chronically
            potentially depleting the pool of nucleotides that would   HBV-infected individuals. [180]   Together these results
            be available for HBV replication. [237,238]       indicate that the binding of HBV to hNTCP inhibits bile acid
                                                              uptake,  which stimulates  bile  acid synthesis  pathways.
            Much of the HBV-mediated regulation of the cell   One interesting caveat to these studies is the relatively
            cycle  appears  to  be  through  the  activity  of  the  HBx   novel use of a direct infection system, which drastically
            protein. Multiple studies in primary hepatocytes have   alters the question being asked in the experiment. For
            demonstrated that HBx alters cell cycle regulators,   example, by also using the preS1 mimic Myrcludex-B, the
            including  decreasing  p15  and  p16  expression,   studies are specifically addressing the impact of receptor
            decreasing  DNA  synthesis,  and  increasing  p21,  p27,   binding by HBV, and not the cellular impact of HBV
            cyclin  D1,  and  cyclin  E  expression. [85,185,239]   Together   replication. This is in contrast to some previous work,
            these results suggest that HBx drives hepatocytes into   which has typically been done using systems that bypass
            the  cell  cycle  but increases  expression  of  inhibitors   the infection step. An example of the importance of this
            that prevent progression beyond G . This HBx-     distinction is that while the study using  HBV-infected
            mediated  regulation  of  the  cell  cycle  could  have  a   human-liver chimeric mice demonstrated that by binding
            long-term impact on hepatocyte physiology, altering   to hNTCP, HBV alters the levels of nuclear farnesoid X
            hepatocyte proliferation pathways and contributing to   receptor (FXR) and small heterodimer partner (SHP),
            the development of HBV-associated disease and HCC.  previous work in an HBV-tg mouse model (which bypasses
                                                              the infection step, among other differences) showed that
            HBV and metabolism                                depletion of FXR and SHP signaling did not diminish
            Because of the primary role of the liver as a metabolic   viral replication or transcription. [243]  This suggests  that
            organ, a growing body of research has begun to investigate   although HBV binding to its receptor alters the expression
            the impact of HBV infection on metabolic pathways in   of these transcription factors, this alteration might not
            HBV-infected cells. In fact, HBV has been referred to as   affect HBV replication. Further research would be needed
            a “metabolovirus”  due to the perceived intersection   to determine the relevance of similar contrasting results
            between HBV gene expression and control of cellular   within different model systems.
            metabolism. [206,240]  Specifically, a number of groups have
            examined the role of HBV in lipid metabolism, especially   In addition to the functional inhibition of a major bile salt
            considering the well-established link between hepatocyte   transporter, evidence from other studies has suggested
            lipids and various stages of the HCV life cycle [241]  and   that HBV replication may be intimately associated with
            the recent identification of a bile salt transporter as a   central metabolic pathways. For example,  multiple
            functional receptor for HBV.                      transcription factors associated with hepatic metabolic
                                                              processes, including HNFs, [244,245]  peroxisome proliferator-
            The influence of HBV infection on hepatocyte metabolism   activated receptors (PPARs), [245-247]  and FXR [248-250]  can all
            was recently brought to the forefront with the identification   be recruited to the HBV genome.  Moreover, studies in
            of hNTCP, the primary bile salt transporter in hepatocytes,   vitro have shown that exogenous addition of bile acids to
            as a functional HBV receptor. Interestingly, the binding of   HBV-expressing cells can increase HBV replication. [250,251]
            HBV, specifically the preS1 domain of L-HBsAg, to hNTCP
            directly interferes with the  normal function  of hNTCP   Induction  of  gluconeogenesis  enhances  HBV
            suggesting competition for binding motifs within the   replication, [252]   and HBx has been shown to increase
            receptor. Furthermore, point mutations in hNTCP that   expression of multiple gluconeogenic genes, [253]
            abolished binding of preS1 also blocked the ability of   potentially contributing to the central role of HBx
            the receptor to bind taurocholate, [242]  suggesting that by   in HBV replication. Recent RNA-seq  analyses of HBV-
            binding to hNTCP, HBV could dramatically alter hepatic bile   expressing Huh7 cells [254]  and primary rat hepatocytes [186]
            acid uptake.                                      also detected decreased expression of GLUT2, the main
                                                              hepatic glucose transporter. Investigation of the effect
            Recently,  HBV-mediated  inhibition  of normal hNTCP   of fasting glucose levels on HBV replication revealed
            function was extended further using a biochemical   a link, albeit  minor, between the metabolic state of
            profiling approach in which human liver chimeric mice   the cell and the level of HBV replication, [245]  and both
            were infected with HBV, and the impact on cholesterol   gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis are under the same
            metabolism was determined. Indeed, this study was able   transcription factor control as HBV replication. [255]  Studies
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