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Once  packaged,  reverse  transcription is  initiated   The  second potential  HBV  nucleocapsid-associated
            through priming by the polymerase from a specific   process is envelopment by HBV envelope glycoproteins
            tyrosine  residue  within  the  N-terminal,  TP domain of   residing in the ER membrane [Figure 2]. Interestingly,
            the polymerase [63,64]  [Figure 1a]. A bulge region within ε   mechanisms  exist  that  may  limit  envelopment  of
            supplies the template for the first 3-4nt of the (-)-DNA   capsids containing  immature  HBV  genome;  however,
            strand before translocation to a matching acceptor motif   these  mechanisms  remain  incompletely  understood.
            in the 3’ direct repeat 1* (DR1*). [120]  This strand is then   For example, it has been suggested that only mature
            extended until completion, resulting in a unit length   rcDNA-containing nucleocapsids are enveloped, while
            (-)-DNA strand copy of the pgRNA  that contains an   ssDNA or RNA containing nucleocapsids  are not
            additional 10nt terminal redundancy (r). The majority of   secreted from the cell. [135]  Studies utilizing  an RNase
            pgRNA is degraded during DNA synthesis by the RNase H   H-deficient polymerase, which renders the virus unable
            activity of polymerase, with the remaining bases serving   to  initiate  (+)-DNA strand synthesis,  have  suggested
            as the 5’ primer for synthesis of the (+)-strand. [121]  Direct   that only completion of the (-)-DNA strand is required for
            extension of this primer from its 5’ position results in   envelopment, [136]  and specific mutations in core protein
            a  double-stranded linear  form  of the  genome  that  is   can allow envelopment  of immature nucleocapsids. [137]
            replication incompetent. [122]  This double-stranded linear   The mechanisms associated with this selectivity  are
            form  does, however,  seem  to  play a role as  the  main   unknown, although the  phosphorylation state  of core
            form of HBV DNA that can be integrated into the host   protein, likely influenced by the nucleic acid  species
            genome. [123]  Instead of direct extension of the RNA primer   inside the capsid, could  be playing a role. Specifically,
            from its 5’ location, successful rcDNA formation can   studies have shown that core protein isolated from DNA-
            occur only after the RNA primer is translocated to the 3’   containing capsids is dephosphorylated (after the prior
            DR2 sequence. Once on DR2, the RNA primer is extended   phosphorylation  required  for pgRNA  packaging  and
            towards the 5’ end of the (-)-DNA strand. Because r on   reverse  transcription) in  a specific C-terminal  region,
            the other end has the same sequence, exchange of the   while immature nucleocapsids  remain  phosphorylated
            two ends allows (+)-strand synthesis  to continue. As   at at least 6 different sites.  The overall secretion of
            with the previous translocations, additional cis-  infectious HBV Dane particles has been  hypothesized
            acting elements are likely playing a role in long-range   to be as little as 1-10 virions per cell per day,  which,
            base-pairing, which allows the close juxtaposition of   because  of the  large  number  of cells in  the  liver,  can
            these donor and acceptor sites that can otherwise   account for high in vivo HBV titers, but can hinder in vitro
                                                              research requiring isolation of large amounts of infectious
            be  separated  by  kilobases  of  sequence. [124,125]   In   virus. Secretion of Dane particles was originally thought
            addition, recent evidence has suggested a role for core   to follow the same secretory pathway as the much more
            protein in regulating DNA synthesis, as mutations in core   abundant SVP, with the envelope proteins residing within
            protein inhibit the synthesis of the (+)-strand of DNA. [126]   the ER-golgi intermediate  compartment from where
            The complex process of reverse transcription has been   they could  bind the DNA-containing capsid, enter the
            reviewed in more detail elsewhere. [30,31,68]
                                                              lumen, and be secreted from the cell. Recent evidence
                                                              has  suggested,  however,  that  mature  HBV  virions  are
            Replication occurs in core particles in the cytosol of   secreted from the cell using a pathway that is dependent
            an HBV-infected hepatocyte, and the final product  of   on proteins involved in the endosomal sorting complex
            DNA  synthesis  is  the  encapsidated, partially double-  required  for transport (ESCRT) pathway,  which  forms
            stranded rcDNA with the polymerase still bound to the   multivesicular bodies. [139]  One characteristic that needs to
            5’ end of the (-)-DNA strand [Figure 2]. This nucleocapsid   be considered regardless of the pathway of HBV secretion
            can then proceed in one of two directions. The first is   is the seemingly contradictory conformations of L-HBsAg,
            shuttling of the nucleocapsid  back to the nucleus to   with the domains required for both interaction with the
            amplify  and maintain  a stable  pool of cccDNA. [127,128]   nucleocapsid and hNTCP being needed on opposite sides
            The levels of envelope proteins influence this recycling,   of the membrane. This is addressed by the fact that nearly
            with decreased amounts of HBsAg promoting shuttling   half of L-HBsAg  changes transmembrane  conformation
            of the nucleocapsid to the nucleus. [129]   In particular,   after translation, to expose the preS domains within the
            levels  of  L-HBsAg  directly  influence  shuttling  back to   ER lumen. [140]
            the nucleus, [130]   and these  findings  correlate well with
            the early establishment of a cccDNA pool, followed by   MODEL SYSTEMS USED IN THE STUDY OF HBV
            identification of secreted infectious HBV. [127]  The result is
            a pool of cccDNA that contains a fluctuating number of   Each member of the hepadnavirus family has a narrow
            copies (typically less than 10) of cccDNA per cell, [131-133]    host range that is thought to be defined primarily by
            which can be maintained in the cell for years. Additionally,   the  interaction  between  the  virus  and a  specific cell-
            it has been suggested the half-life of a single cccDNA   surface receptor that is present on host hepatocytes. [11,90]
            molecule is between 33 and 57 days, [132,134]  underscoring   Available cell culture systems for studying the life cycle
            the role of cccDNA in maintaining HBV persistence.  of the Hepadnaviridae are limited. Typically, members of a
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