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            Human telomerase disease mutants and its relation with


            Yin-Nan Chen , Yan-Min Zhang      1
            1 School of Pharmacy, Health Science Center, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710061, Shaanxi, China.
            2 School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA.

                Telomerase is a special reverse transcriptase, which adds telomeric DNA repeats to the ends of chromosome to offset loss.
                A vast majority of cancer cells have been shown that their telomerase was up-regulated and sustain proliferation and growth.
                Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most commonly occurring cancers worldwide. It is also one of the leading causes
                of cancer death, and is connected with abnormal telomerase function. However, reports about the telomerase mutations and
                HCC are still insufficient. In this review, the structure and mechanism of action of telomerase, inherited disorders caused by its
                mutations, hepatocarcinoma, and drug development targeting telomerase are reviewed. However, further investigations are
                needed to elucidate human telomerase RNA gene regulation for initiation and progression of the liver cancer.

                Key words: Telomerase; mutants; hepatocarcinoma; target

            Address for correspondence:
            Prof. Yan-Min Zhang, School of Pharmacy, Health Science Center, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710061, Shaanxi, China.
            Received: 06-10-2015, Accepted: 28-01-2016

            INTRODUCTION                                       causes of cancer death especially in Asia and Africa.  HCC
                                                               is induced by the well known risk factors such as hepatitis
            Following genome duplication, eukaryotic chromosomes   B, hepatitis C virus infection as well as cirrhosis.  In
            shrink due to the incomplete replication.  The end of the   general, it is widely accepted that telomeric shortening is
            chromosomes is capped by DNA-protein complex known as   responsible for limiting the life of human somatic cells and
            telomere. The progressive loss of telomeric DNA threatens   the  expression  of  telomerase  in  the  cells  is  sufficient  to
            genome stability and limits cell division.  Telomerase is   overcome both replication as well as senescence.  Although
            a special  reverse  transcriptase  which  adds  telomeric  DNA   the mechanism involved in telomerase regulation has not
            repeats to the chromosome ends to offset loss.  In human,   been completely understood, most types of cancer cells
            telomerase is inactive in most of the somatic cells but not   reveal a telomere length maintenance, which is responsible
            stem cells and germlines. So far it has been found that a vast   for their immortality. [11,12]  Intact telomere signaling has been
            majority  of  cancer  cells,  their  telomerase  is  up-regulated   demonstrated to be essential in the development of HCC.
            in order to sustain proliferation and growth.  Additionally,   Similar to other types of cancers, it has been shown that
            telomere mediated disorders such as dyskeratosis congenital,   around 85% of human HCC specimens exhibit reactivation of
            aplastic anemia and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis have been   telomerase activity.  Transcriptional regulation of the hTERT
            demonstrated to have telomerase mutations. [5-7]    gene with frequent somatic mutations has been described
                                                               in several tumor cells including HCC. [14,15]  Additionally, weak
            Cancer is one of the world’s greatest disease burdens   activation of telomerase has been reported during chronic
            and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the leading
                                                               viral hepatitis or cirrhosis, which could be potential factors
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             DOI:                                               How to cite this article:  Chen YN, Zhang YM. Human telomerase
             10.20517/2394-5079.2015.56                         disease mutants and its relation with hepatocarcinoma. Hepatoma
                                                                Res 2016;2:109-13.

                 © 2016 Hepatoma Research | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.                              109
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