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prolific cells, stem cells and germline, is crucial for the   C250T) showed very high frequency in HCC. Furthermore,
            preservation of high populations and human health.    large scale studies by Huang  et al.  identified  TERT
            Generally, point mutations that lead to single substitution   promoter mutations to be 31.4% in HCC which shows high
            of  amino  acid  are  more  likely  tolerated  than  frame  shift   frequency similar like other primary cancers.
            and splicing junction mutations, limiting but not abolishing
            the enzyme activity. The toleration of reduction and loss   Cirrhosis is a disease in which liver cells become damaged
            of telomerase function decreases with several subsequent   and is replaced by scar tissues. People with cirrhosis have
            generations. The telomeres of the parental generation   an increased risk of liver cancer. Most people who develop
            erode when passed to the offspring with shorter telomeres.   liver  cancer  already  have  some  evidence  of  cirrhosis.
            The  increase  in  severity of symptoms is  linked with  the   Evidence supporting the role of genetic risk factors has been
            progressive decrease to telomere length. [35]      accumulating during the past years and recently it has been
                                                               also suggested that telomere shortening may represent a
            HEPATOCARCINOMA WITH EXPRESSION OF                 genetic risk factor.  Valenti et al.  found that HCC arising
            ACTIVE TELOMERASE                                  from cirrhosis contained a TERT mutation in the neoplastic
                                                               tissue. Furthermore, studies from Hartmann et al.  provides
            The relationship between telomerase mutation and   experimental evidence that telomerase gene mutations are
            development  of  hepatocellular  carcinoma  is  controversial   present in patients who develop cirrhosis as a consequence
            and inconclusive so far.  Telomeres within HCC were shorter   of chronic liver disease.
            compared to normal liver cells suggesting that it could
            escape the DNA damage response and subsequent cell cycle   DRUG RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR
            arrest signal generated from short telomeres. It has been   CANCER WITH TELOMERASE AS TARGET
            suggested that telomere shortening may represent a genetic
            risk factor for the development of cirrhosis.  The beneficial   A fundamental property of the cancer cells is to replicate
            effects of the telomere and telomerase system plays a role for   without limitation, which is achieved by telomerase-regulated
            suppression of the development of liver cirrhosis and HCC   telomere maintenance in most types of cancer cells. Since
            in gene knock out mouse model which was performed by   somatic cells do not utilize activated telomerase to keep the
            Wiemann et al.  and Kitada et al. [38]             integrity of the telomere length, the telomerase inhibitors
                                                               have the  potential to be  a  selective  anti-cancer  agents to
            However, some studies of HBV-associated HCC have   disrupt the proliferation of the telomerase-positive cancer
            demonstrated that longer telomeres and higher telomerase   cells.  Oligonucleotide can interact with both telomerase
            activity correlates with a worse prognosis. The expression of   RNA and mRNA of telomerase proteins, therefore native or
            dyskerin, the accessory component of telomerase complex,   modified oligonucleotides are considered to be potential
            showed a correlation with tumorigenic process, which might   telomerase inhibitors that can influence the biogenesis of
            be a prognostic factor in patients with HCC.  A nuclear   telomerase core components. A promising oligonucleotide,
            ribonucleoprotein A2/B1, an hTERT-associated protein   GRN163L, has been developed as telomerase inhibitor, which
            was proposed as a marker and prognosis factor of HCC.    acts as competitive inhibitor for the template region of the
            The study by Lechel et al.  provides direct evidence that   hTR. [49,50]  The compound has already completed phase I trials
            telomerase is a critical component for in vivo progression HCC   in patients and now being conducted for phase II trials.  To
            with short telomeres in the chronically damaged liver and   trigger cancer cells death, it requires a period of treatment
            telomerase limits the accumulation of telomere dysfunction   of telomerase inhibitor to produce enough short telomeres.
            thus suppressing hepatocarcinogenesis. Taken together,   However, the therapy may be more effective when combined
            short telomeres or telomere dysfunction appears permissive   with conventional chemotherapies.
            for the development of early stage neoplasia, but inhibitory
            to later stage and more anaplastic lesions. [42]   Some of the telomerase inhibitors have been found in
                                                               microbes, which target either telomerase holoenzyme
            Transcriptional regulation of the TERT gene is a cause of cancer   activity or regulatory pathways of telomerase expression.
            specific increase in telomerase activity.  Quaas et al.   and   Among anticancer compounds, the inhibitors are promising
            other researchers have shown the mutations on promoter   for  the  chemotherapy  by  virtue  of  differential  expression
            region of hTERT in hepatocellular carcinoma. Meanwhile,   of telomerase in cancer cells. Synthetic preparation or
            several reports have shown that increase in telomerase   modification of already screened natural telomerase inhibitor
            activity was detected in nearly 90% of HCC as compared to   will  become  useful  weapons  in  the  war  against  cancer
            only 21% of non-tumor tissue which resulted in increased   e.g. BIBR 1532.  Most recently the co-crystal structure of
            levels of TERT mRNA implying that TERT mRNA expression   telomerase inhibitor BIBR 1532 with  Tribolium  castaneum
            could predict or be a marker of HCC. [45,46]  Recent study from   telomerase catalytic subunit showed a novel motif on the
            Cevik  et al.  hTERT promoter is one of most  frequent   thumb domain could be a target for inhibiting telomerase
            mutational targets in liver cancer  regardless of the   function.  Kellermann et al.  identified a compound that
            geographical location and two site mutation (C228T AND   prevent the assembling of the core enzyme and revealed a
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