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Letter to Editor

            Microwave coagulation therapy: the future is quite rosy

            Paola Tombesi, Francesca Di Vece, Sergio Sartori

            Department of Medical, Section of Interventional Ultrasound, St. Anna Hospital, 44100 Ferrara, Italy

            Address for correspondence:
            Prof. Sergio Sartori, Department of Medical, Section of Interventional Ultrasound, St. Anna Hospital, Via A. Moro, 44100 Ferrara, Italy.
            Received: 29-10-2015, Accepted: 09-11-2015

                                Prof. Sergio Sartori was born on June 22, 1954, and graduated cum laude in 1979. He is specialist in
                                Gastroenterology and in Clinical Pharmacology, is dealing with interventional ultrasonography from 1990,
                                and from 2002 is Chief of the Section of Interventional Ultrasound, St. Anna Hospital, Ferrara, Italy. He is
                                author of 246 scientific papers.

            TO THE EDITOR                                      device not suitable for percutaneous applications.
                                                               In the very last years, a miniaturized device for MW
            We read with great interest the review of Guan  on   confinement has been developed (Mini Choke®),
            microwave coagulation therapy (MCT) of hepatocellular   that  enables  to  minimize  back  heating  effects  using
            carcinoma  (HCC),  and  we  strongly  agree  with  his   slender MW antennas and allowing for percutaneous
            conclusion that MCT has a great promise for future   applications (AMICA MWA System, HS Hospital Service,
            use, especially with further technical improvements.  Aprilia, Italy).  In  an  experimental  study,  this  system
                                                               produced thermal lesions of 6.5 cm × 4.5 cm in ex vivo
            In this regard, one of the main limits of MCT [which   bovine liver by delivering 60 W for 10 min.  A randomized
            discouraged its clinical application in many western   prospective comparison  of MCT  and RFA  reported
            countries in favor of radiofrequency ablation (RFA)]   significantly larger coagulation areas in vivo with MCT than
            was  the  back  heating  effect,  due  to  reflected  waves   with internally-cooled  RFA, using a 16-gauge internally-
            along the coaxial line. Such a drawback imposed to use   cooled, minichoked MCT antenna with a power output of
            large antennas and to deliver energy for a short time,   60-70 W and ablation time of 10 min.  Although energy
            achieving small ablation areas and requiring multiple   delivery was underpowered with respect to the maximum
            insertions even in the presence of small tumors. [2,3]    power output of the system, MCT yielded ablation areas
            Internally-cooled MCT partially reduced this problem,   comparable to those previously reported by other authors
            allowing for the increase of the ablation time and the   who performed MCT using a power output of 100 W and
            amount of power that could be safely delivered.  The   a 14-gauge cooled shaft antenna without choke device.
            introduction  into  the  distal  portion  of  the  antenna   As the minichoked MWA system can also use a 14-gauge
            of a choke coil was proposed to reduce back heating   antenna with a power output of 100 W, it is hypothesizable
            effects. However, this remedy caused remarkable    that ablation areas even larger than those obtained
            thickening of the antenna (9-10 gauge), making the   in  the  above-mentioned  in vivo  comparison between
                            Access this article online         MCT and RFA could  be achieved using the maximum
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                                 others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the
                                                               author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
                                                               For reprints contact:
             10.4103/2394-5079.170543                           How to cite this article:  Tombesi P, Di Vece F, Sartori S. Microwave
                                                                coagulation therapy: the future is quite rosy. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:107-8.

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