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Diet history depicted no gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms,   Eastern  Cooperative  Oncology  Group  (ECOG)
            dental or oral problem, or food allergies. The simplified   performance  status  score of  3 indicated  that  the
            nutritional appetite questionnaire (SNAQ) score was   patient was capable of only limited self-care and
            16 hence there was no significant risk of at least   unable to carry out any work activities that was ≥ 50%
            5% weight loss within 6 months.  The patient was   of working hours.  Quality of life (QOL) assessment
                                                               by short form-36 before LT depicted low level in its
            alcoholic (CAGE score > 2).  He was recommended    eight dimensions [Figure 1]. [14]
            an  oral  normal  diet  with  supplements  providing
            2700 kcal, 115 g of proteins with salt (2 g) and fluid   Acute post-transplant phase
            restriction (1.5 L/day).  Patients’ intake was 1100 kcal   The altered blood parameters are important for
            and 40 g protein, indicating consumption of 57.6% of   implementing the nutrition therapy plan. Deranged
            the recommended calories.                          biochemical  parameters  in this  phase  are presented
                                                               in Figure 2a-h. The patient had been in intensive care
            Table 1: Biochemical parameters of the patient before the   unit for 3 days. At post-operation day (POD), 1 patient
            transplant                                         was extubated within 24 h and was provided propofol
             Biochemical   Value  Range  Biochemical   Value  Range
             parameter               parameter                 45 mL (1 kcal/mL) and dextrose normal saline 440 mL
             Hb (mg/dL)  8.5   13-17  Na (mmol/L)  134  137-145  (17 kcal/100 mL), KCl 45 mL intravenously. On POD 2
             WBC (10 /UL)  8.31  4.00-10.00  K (mmol/L)  3.7  3.5-5.1  propofol, 120 mL and KCl 120 mL was given. On
             Platelets   100  150-410  Ca (mg/dL)  8.9  8.4-10.2
             (10 /UL)                                          POD 3 KCl 40 mL along with oral liquids (250 kcal)
             Alb (g/L)   3    3.5-5.0  Mg (mg/dL)  1.5  1.6-2.3  was  given.  On POD 4, he was transferred to the LT
             Bili (D)   0.1   0.2-1.3  P (mg/dL)  4.3  2.5-4.5
             (mg/dL)                                           unit and was given oral high protein normal diet
             Bili (T)   1.5   0.2-1.3  Cl (mmol/L)  106  98-107  with  supplements providing 2,700 kcal and 115 g
             (mg/dL)                                           protein. The patient was not able to complete meals
             Total protein   6.4  6.3-8.2  PT   15.6  8.8-12.3
             (g/L)                                             (especially lunch and dinner), because of nausea and
             ALT/SGPT   23    21-72  INR        1.51           lack  of  appetite.  An  increasing trend of energy and
             (U/L)                                             protein consumption after LT during the hospital stay
             AST/SGOT   34     17-51  CR protein   11.6  0.0-10.0
             (U/L)                   (mg/dL)                   is  indicated  in  Figure  3.  The  patient  met  76.4%  and
             γ glutamyl   28  15-73                            103% of the recommended calorie and protein intake,
             (U/L)                                             respectively. The patient was discharged on POD 15,
             Alkaline   63    30-120                           on 2,700 kcal and 115 g of proteins (high protein, low
             (U/L)                                             potassium normal diet) out of which 375 kcal and 36 g of
             Urea (mg/dL)  61  10-50                           protein were from low potassium nutrition supplements
             Cr (mg/dL)  1.6  0.80-1.50                        and about 352 kcal, and 24 g protein was from high
            Hb: hemoglobin; WBC: white blood cell; Alb: albumin; Bili: bilirubin; ALT:   calorie-protein  biscuits.   He  was  recommended  to
            alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; Cr: creatinine;
            PT: prothrombin time; INR: international normalized ratio; CR protein:   take multivitamins and potassium binding medications,
            C-reactive protein; SGPT: serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase; SGOT:   to monitor glucose regularly, and to avoid the outer
            serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
            Table 2: Nutrition assessment of the patient
             Parameter              Observation  Evaluation
             Anthropometric evaluation
               Weight (kg)             73.9
               Height (cm)             176
               Ideal body weight (kg)  76
               Triceps  (cm)           0.56    Severe
               MAMC  (cm)              22      Mild malnutrition
             SGA [8]
               SGA [8]                  6      Moderate
             Body composition analysis by
             bioelectrical impedance analysis [9]
               Weight (kg)            72.55    Normal
               Fat (%)                 22.5    Normal
               Fat mass                16.3    Normal
               FFM (kg)               56.25    Normal
               Muscle mass (kg)       53.35    Normal          Figure 1: Comparison of quality of life by short form-36 questionnaire pre- and
               BMI                     23.2    Normal          post-transplant. PF: physical functioning; RP: role limitation due to physical
            MAMC: mid-arm muscle circumference; SGA: subjective global assessment;   health; RE: role limitation due to emotional problem; VT: vitality; MH: mental
            FFM: fat-free mass; BMI: body mass index           health; SF: social function; BP: body pain; GH: general health

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