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Page 10 of 15                                             Kato et al. Hepatoma Res 2021;7:10  I

               Table 3. Short-term outcomes
                                         All cases (n = 57)  AR (n = 23)       NAR (n = 34)     P-value
                Intraoperative data
                 Total operative time*, min  612 (58-2154)  837 (328-2154)    445 (58-1107)     < 0.0001 #
                 LSCT**, min              487 (46-1957)     703 (245-1957)    271 (46-850)      < 0.0001 #
                 Concurrent proc. (n)     14% (8)           9% (2)            18% (6)           0.33
                 EBL, g                   194 (5-6900)      336 (43-6900)     135 (5-4876)      0.009 #
                 Pringle maneuver (n)     12% (7)           26% (6)           3% (1)            0.008 #
                 Open conversion (n)      2% (1)            4% (1)            0% (0)            0.22
                Postoperative laboratory data
                 Max TB, mg/dL            1.5 (0.7-5.9)     1.5 (1.0-5.9)     1.4 (0.7-3.6)     0.16
                 Max AST, IU/L            433 (64-4844)     877 (64-4844)     292 (65-2106)     0.001 #
                 Min PT, %                63 (40-88)        58 (40-77)        69 (43-88)        0.005 #
                 Min PC, × 10 /mm 3       7.5 (3.4-17.2)    8.2 (3.8-17.2)    7.4 (3.4-16.1)    0.47
                Pathological data
                 R0 (n)                   98% (56)          96% (22)          100% (34)         0.22
                Hospital stay, days       15 (8-82)         16 (8-82)         15 (8-34)         0.22
                Postoperative complications
                 ≥ C-D grIIIa (n)         11% (6)           17% (4)           6% (2)            0.16
                 90-day mortality (n)     0% (0)            0% (0)            0% (0)            1.0
               AR: anatomic resection; NAR: non-anatomic resection; total operative time*: operative time including the time required for extrahepatic
               procedures, if applicable; LSCT**: liver-specific console time, console time only for liver procedures; EBL: estimated blood loss; Max:
               maximum value; Min: minimum value; TB: total bilirubin; AST: asparatate aminotransferase; PT: prothrombin time; PC:platelet count;
               C-D gr: Clavien-Dindo grade;  P < 0.05

               271 min; P < 0.0001) were significantly longer in the AR group than in the NAR group. The concurrent
               extrahepatic procedure rates were similar between groups. The median estimated blood loss (EBL) was 194 g;
               it was significantly greater in the AR group than in the NAR group (336 g vs. 135 g; P = 0.009). The Pringle
               maneuver was applied in 7 of 57 cases (12%); its rate was significantly higher in the AR group than in the
               NAR group (26 vs. 3%; P = 0.008). Open conversion was performed for one case treated with AR (4%) for

               Postoperative laboratory and pathological data and hospital stay
               Postoperative laboratory data showed that serum levels of AST and PT were significantly higher in the
               AR group than in the NAR group [Table 3], suggesting a greater resection volume for AR cases, although
               changes in TB and PC levels were comparable between groups. The pathological R0 rate was similarly high
               between groups (96 vs. 100%). There was one case of R1 resection in the AR group. In this case, the tumor
               at the posterior section had multiple daughter nodules and PVTT extending to the right portal vein. We
               performed a posterior sectionectomy with PVTT extirpation. A few daughter nodules were exposed along
               the resection plane with a margin of zero, which was diagnosed as R1. The length of hospital stay (median,
               15 days) was similar in the AR group (16 days) and NAR group (15 days) (P = 0.22).

               Postoperative complications
               The overall rate of postoperative C-D grade ≥ IIIa complications was 11% (n = 6). Furthermore, the
               postoperative C-D grade ≥ IIIa complication rates were similar in the AR group (n = 4; 17%) and NAR
               group (n = 2; 6%) (P = 0.16) [Table 3]. The details of the documented C-D grade ≥ IIIa complications (n = 7)
               are shown in Table 4. The rates of surgical-site C-D grade ≥ IIIa complications were 0% in the AR group
               and 3% in the NAR group (n = 1; bile leak); this difference was not statistically significant. Six of the seven
               (86%) events were systemic complications [Table 4], and the rate of systemic complications was higher in
               the AR group than in the NAR group (17 vs. 3%; P = 0.06). Of note, postoperative AKI occurred in three
               patients; of these, two experienced an intraoperative massive CO gas embolism with severe hypotension
               that was likely associated with the use of the AirSeal system (ConMed) for pneumoperitoneum. Neither
   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74