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Author Instructions

            Manuscript                                                                       Main Text
            Type         Definition                           Abstract            Keywords   Structure
            Article      An Article is a seminal and insightful   The abstract should   3-6   The main content
                         research study and showcases that    state briefly the   keywords   should include
                         often involves modern techniques or   purpose of the                four sections:
                         methodologies. Authors should justify that  research, the principal   Introduction,
                         their work are of novel findings.    results and major              Experimental,
                                                              conclusions. No more           Results and
                                                              than 250 words.                discussion, and
            Mini Review/  A Mini Review /Review should be an   Unstructured abstract.  3-6   The main text
            Review       authoritative, well balanced and critical   No more than 250   keywords  may consist of
                         survey of recent progresses in an attractive  words.                several sections
                         or a fundamental chemical research field.                           with unfixed
                                                                                             section titles. We
                                                                                             suggest that the
                                                                                             author include an
                                                                                             section at the
                                                                                             beginning, several
                                                                                             sections with
                                                                                             unfixed titles in the
                                                                                             middle part, and
                                                                                             a "Conclusion and
                                                                                             outlook" section in
                                                                                             the end.
            communication A Communication is for the urgent   Unstructured abstract.  3-6    The short
                         publication of a research which is of   No more than 150   keywords  Communication is a
                         outstanding significance and interest to   words.                   one body text with
                         experts in the field and also to general                            maximum 4 items
                         chemistry readership. Authors should write                          (figures and tables).
                         in a clear and concise way to demonstrate
                         the necessity of an urgent publication.
            Editorial    An Editorial can be a comment about an   None required   None       /
                         important event in the world related or                  required
                         not to energy materials or a particular
                         discovery in energy materials, needing a
                         particular attention of energy materials
            Research     A Research Highlight article is peer-  None required.    None       /
            Highlight    reviewed paper and highlights work                       required.
                         recently published in the journal or in a
                         recent issue of another journal.
            Perspective  A Perspective provides personal points of  Unstructured abstract.  3-6   /
                         view on the state-of-the-art of a specific   No more than 150   keywords
                         area of knowledge and its future prospects. words.

           2.3 Manuscript Structure
           2.3.1 Front Matter
           The title of the manuscript should be concise, specific and relevant, with no more than 16 words if possible. When gene or
           protein names are included, the abbreviated name rather than full name should be used.

  Authors and Affiliations
           Authors’ full names should be listed. The initials of middle names can be provided. Institutional addresses and email
           addresses for all authors should be listed. At least one author should be designated as corresponding author. In addition,
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