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Li et al. Energy Mater 2023;3:300021  Page 5 of 16

                                                                                                      2 -1
               where the constants related to O  were different in alkaline (C  = 1.2 × 10  mol cm ; D  = 1.9 × 10  cm  s )
               conditions. Other constants were fixed, which can refer to our previous work . All potentials used in this
               effort were converted to potentials with respect to the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) by using the
               Nernst equation:
               The n and H O  yield were calculated by the rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) tests with the following

               where I , I  and N  are all fixed value constants.
               Assembly of rechargeable ZABs
               Measurements of rechargeable liquid ZABs with our catalyst were accomplished using home-built
               electrochemical cells under atmosphere condition. Polished zinc plates were used as anode, and carbon
               cloth coated with homemade or Pt/C (J-M 20%) catalyst mass of 0.75 mg cm  was served as air cathode. The
               mixture solution of 6.0 M KOH + 0.2 M zinc acetate was used as alkaline electrolyte. The LSV charging/
               discharging curves were collected by CHI660E electrochemical workstation, and all other performance tests
               were performed using a Neware battery test system.

               Synthesis and structural investigations of the electrocatalyst
               As illustrated in Scheme 1, the FePc/Se@NiFe sample was synthesized via a two-step hydrothermal process.
               Firstly, through a simple hydrothermal method, the NiFe-LDH nanosheet precursor was fabricated in a
               mixed solution of Ni  and Fe  salts. A detailed procedure was shown in the Experimental Section. Then,
               the collected NiFe-LDH nanosheet experienced an adequate wet chemical selenization during the secondary
               hydrothermal process in the environment of selenium and FePc solution at 100 °C. As the interlayer
               hydroxyl or carbanion anion of NiFe-LDH was replaced by Se  during this process, the derived poly-
               crystals were supported by FePc nanoclusters. The crystalline phase and structure of the FePc, NiFe-LDH,
               Se@NiFe, FePc/Se@NiFe, FePc/Se@Ni and FePc/Se@Fe materials were analyzed by XRD analysis. As shown
               in Figure 1A, the pattern of FePc/Se@NiFe with peaks located at 30.1°, 35.4°, 56.9°, and 62.5° could be
               ascribed to the (220), (311), (511), and (440) crystal planes of Fe O , separately (PDF #19-0629) . Peaks at
               33.3°, 33.6°, 45.1°, 45.4°, and 50.8° are the (-312), (-402), (-514), (-604), and (-310) characteristic crystalline
               planes belonging to Ni Se  (PDF #89-2020) , while the peak at 23.5°, 29.7°, and 43.6° can match very well
               with the (110), (101), and (012) lattice planes of the Se (PDF #86-2246) , respectively. The above XRD
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