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Glushenkov. Energy Mater 2023;3:300010  Page 5 of 6

               oxide cathodes (higher than 250 Wh/kg). Thus, Tarascon reaches the same conclusion as in the previous
               viewpoint: Na-ion batteries are clearly inferior in terms of their energy densities (or specific power) to some
               of the more energy-dense Li-ion batteries but may be comparable to some of the more specialised long
               stability or high power Li-ion battery cells such as graphite - LiFePO  or Toshiba’s SCIB cells .
               Another possible Na-ion battery chemistry based on the use of Prussian blue analogues (technology trialed
               commercially, for example, by Novosis) is also mentioned briefly in the assessment by Tarascon . However,
               the cell-level metrics are not provided, and the discussion is brief. It is mentioned that the morphology and
               moisture content control may represent challenges for this cathode chemistry, and the energy density (in
               Wh/L) may be on the lower side for such cells due to the low density of the cathode material.

               As a researcher with first-hand knowledge of the commercialisation effort in Na-ion batteries, Tarascon
               provides extra remarks on the specific advantages of these new cells not directly considered in the viewpoint
               by Abraham . One of such remarks concerns the extra safety of Na-ion batteries. This characteristic
               originates from the fact that, unlike Li-ion batteries, their sodium counterparts can be shorted by
               connecting the opposite battery terminals without an irreversible consequence for the battery performance.
               As a result of this very practical property, the transportation and storage of Na-ion batteries is much easier.
               In the case of Li-ion batteries, they need to be treated as dangerous goods, with special safety measures
               linked to their inherent flammability and ability to explode. In contrast, for the batteries that can be
               temporarily shorted, the requirements for transportation and storage in the discharged state are much
               softer, favouring the adaptation of Na-ion cells in practice .

               One of the considerably advantageous attributes of Na-ion cells that Tarascon envisages in his commentary
               is their capability of fast charge and performing as high power cells, particularly in the Tiamat’s cells with
               vanadium fluorophosphate chemistry. Their specific power compares favourably with LFP-type Li-ion
               batteries while offering, according to the author, better cost in terms of €/kWh or €/kW. The fast charge
               ability is also not dissimilar to Toshiba’s SCIB cells. While this property is somewhat inferior in Tiamat’s
               Na-ion cells, they offer an advantage of a higher voltage (3.7 V vs. 2.7 V) and better specific energy and
               energy density parameters than those of SCIB batteries. The commentator envisages that sodium-based cells
               may find applications in “power-hungry functions”, including regenerative braking and fast-charging public
               transport .

               In conclusion, both expert commentators assessed the expected performance, advantages and applications
               of Na-ion batteries. It is highlighted that Na-ion cells are unlikely to be a true replacement for Li-ion
               batteries in all applications. This is linked to their relatively limited energy density with respect to that
               achievable by Li-ion batteries with layered cathodes (in LCO, NMC and NCA chemistries). Instead, Na-ion
               batteries (pioneered commercially by Faradion and Tiamat and also those assessed by the researchers from
               Washington State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) with specific energies at the level
               of 120-150 Wh/kg are more comparable to LFP Li-ion batteries or specialised fast-charge SCIB batteries
               marketed by Toshiba. Specific advantages of Na-ion batteries include their excellent sustainability (the lack
               of critical elements such as lithium and cobalt), increased safety (an ability to be shorted during storage and
               transportation) and excellent fast charge capabilities and power densities for the Na V (PO ) F -based cells.
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               Possible applications for Na-ion batteries include regenerative breaking and other “power-hungry
               functions” such as fast-charging e-buses, and the uses where LFP Li-ion batteries could have been otherwise
               considered (electric vehicles with short range, power backup or energy storage systems used with localised
               renewable energy generators).
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