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Figure 3. (A) Valence band spectra of Cu Se NPs and (B) Mott-Schottky diagram; (C) Schematic diagram of energy band diagrams in
newly deposited (pristine), lithiated (charged), and fully delithiated (discharged) states [70] . Copyright © American Chemical Society
Similarly, the carrier density surface treatment could also be utilized for the formation of the plasmonic
copper chalcogenides NCs, as illustrated in Figure 5E . The TEM micrographs in Figure 5F and G showed
copper sulfide NPs. The attained tetradecahedrons and nano-disks have similar Cu S phases; however,
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they presented different optical properties, as shown in Figure 5H. The nano-disks produced without Sn
treatment exhibited a strong LSPR absorption in the NIR region because of the collective oscillation of free
charge carriers. In sharp contrast, the plasmonic feature was diminished with the Sn treatment. This
suggested that Cu vacancies or trapped free charge holes could be efficiently filled by trace amounts of Sn 4+
[81] . The dramatic change of the LSPR peak is due to the phase transition, as shown in Figure 5I. Specifically,
a higher density of copper vacancies results in a blue shift of the LSPR peak, a higher absorption intensity, a
narrower bandwidth, and an increase in bandgap absorption . The main factors that trigger the phase
transition are the generation of copper vacancies and the rearrangement of Cu cations and S anions .
Chen et al. demonstrated that the Sn could direct the evolution of djurleite Cu S from nano-disk to
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tetradecahedron in the c-axis orientation . The Cu S NCs were transformed into more copper-deficient
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Cu S NPs by heat treatment with amine-functional ligands. The roxbyite Cu S NPs demonstrated a
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stronger and shorter LSPR peak while retaining the shape of the djurleite Cu S NPs. Swihart et al. also
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reported that the conversion of CuS and Cu S was possible through heat treatment in various organic
reagents after surface treatment .