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Ulrike Stein                      Kenneth Kin Wah To               Murali Yallapu
           Translational Oncology of Solid Tumors,   School of Pharmacy, the Chinese   Department of Immunology and
           Experimental and Clinical Research   University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,   Microbiology, University of Texas Rio
           Center, Charité - Universitätsmedizin und   China.                 Grande Valley, McAllen, TX, USA.
           Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare
           Medizin, Berlin, Germany          Vladimir P. Torchilin            Takahiro Yamauchi
                                             Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,   Department of Hematology and Oncology,
           Chunxia Su                        School of Pharmacy, Bouvé College of
           School of Medicine, Tongji University;   Health Sciences, Northeastern University,   Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of
           Deputy Director, Medical Oncology   Boston, MA, USA                Fukui, Fukui, Japan
           Department, Shanghai Pulmonary
           Hospital, Shanghai, China.        Brian A. Van Tine                Dong-Hua Yang
                                             Department of Pharmacology and   New York College of Traditional Chinese
           Haruhiko Sugimura                 Toxicology, University of Alabama at   Medicine, Mineola, NY, USA.
           Department of Tumor Pathology,    Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA.
           Hamamatsu University School of                                     Nadia Zaffaroni
           Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan        Robert C.A.M. van Waardenburg    Molecular Pharmacology Unit, Department
                                             Department of Pharmacology and   of Experimental Oncology and Molecular
           Dean G Tang                       Toxicology, University of Alabama at   Medicine, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto
           Professor & Chairman, Department of   Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA  Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy.
           Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Roswell
           Park Comprehensive Cancer Center,   Erik A. C. Wiemer
           Buffalo, NY, USA.                 Department of Medical Oncology,
                                             Erasmus Medical Center Cancer Institute,
           Hailin Tang                       Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
           Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center,
           Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.

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