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           Editor-in-Chief                   University Kiel, Hospitalstr. 4, Kiel,   Toxicology, Virginia Commonwealth
           Godefridus J. Peters              Germany.                          University, Richmond, VA, USA.
           Laboratory Medical Oncology, Cancer
           Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands  Claudio Cerchione               Jean-Pierre Gillet
                                             Hematology Unit, Istituto Scientifico   Department of Biomedical Sciences,
           Associate Editors                 Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei   Faculty of Medicine, University of Namur,
           Yehuda G. Assaraf                 Tumori (IRST) IRCCS, Meldola, Italy.  Namur, Belgium.
           Department of Biology, Technion-Israel
           Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.  Wei Chen                   Antonio Giordano
                                             Department of Physics, The University of   Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research
           Wafik S. El-Deiry                 Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA.  and Molecular Medicine, Center for
           Legorreta Cancer Center, Brown                                      Biotechnology, Department of Biology,
           University, Providence, RI, USA.  Zhesheng Chen                     College of Science and Technology,
                                             Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,   Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA;
                                             College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences,   Department of Medical Biotechnologies,
           Liwu Fu                           St. John’s University, Queens, NY, USA.  University of Siena, Siena, Italy.
           State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South
           China, Collaborative Innovation Center of
           Cancer Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University   William C. Cho            Elisa Giovannetti
           Cancer Center, Guangzhou, China.  Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen   Lab Medical Oncology, VU University
                                             Elizabeth Hospital, Kowloon, Hong Kong.  Medical Center, Cancer Center Amsterdam,
                                                                               Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Cancer
           Editorial Board Members           Mario Cioce                       Pharmacology Lab, AIRC Start-Up Unit,
           Aamir Ahmad                       Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and   University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
           Department of Medicine, University of   Biotechnology, University Campus Bio-
           Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham,   Medico of Rome, Rome, Italy.   William Gmeiner
           AL, USA.
                                                                               Department of Cancer Biology, Wake
                                             Jacqueline Cloos                  Forest University School of Medicine,
           Suresh V. Ambudkar                Department of Hematology, Amsterdam   Winston-Salem, NC, USA.
           Laboratory of Cell Biology, Center for   University Medical Center, VU University
           Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,   Medical Center, Cancer Center Amsterdam,   Michael M Gottesman
           NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA.           Amsterdam, The Netherlands.       Laboratory of Cell Biology, Center for
                                                                               Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,
           Asfar Sohail Azmi                 Paul Dent                         National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
           Department of Oncology, Wayne State   Department of Biochemistry and Molecular   MD, USA.
           University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI,   Biology, Virginia Commonwealth
           USA.                              University, Richmond, VA, USA.    Sanjay Gupta
                                                                               Department of Urologic Oncology, Case
           Maria R. Baer                     Changming Dong                    Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
           University of Maryland Greenebaum   School of Chemistry & Chemical   Ohio, USA.
           Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore,   Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong
           MD, USA.                          University, Shanghai, China.      Georg Hempel
                                                                               Clinical Pharmacy Group, Department of
           Benjamin Bonavida                 Thomas Efferth                    Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry,
           Department of Microbiology, Immunology,   Department of Pharmaceutical Biology,   University of Münster, Münster, Germany.
           and Molecular Genetics, David Geffen   Institute of Biochemistry and Pharmacy,
           School of Medicine, University of   Johannes Gutenberg University, Staudinger   Dominique Heymann
           California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.  Weg 5, Mainz, Germany            Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest,
                                                                               Université de Nantes, Saint-Herblain,
           Stergios Boussios                 Marco Falasca                     France.
           Oncology Department, Medway NHS   Curtin Medical School, Curtin Health
           Foundation Trust, Kent, UK.       Innovation Research Institute, Curtin   Peter J. Houghton
                                             University, Perth, Australia.     Department of Molecular Medicine,
           Ingolf Cascorbi                                                     Greehey Children’s Cancer Research
           Institute of Experimental and Clinical   David Gewirtz              Institute, UT Health San Antonio, San
           Pharmacology, Christian Albrechts   Department of Pharmacology and   Antonio, USA.
                      Cancer Drug Resistance                                                                I
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