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Zhiqing Huang                     Bloodtransfusion, Leiden University   Torino, Torino, Italy.
           Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,   Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.
           Division of Reproductive Sciences, Duke                             Robert W. Robey
           University Medical Center, Durham, NC,   Martin Michaelis           Laboratory of Cell Biology, Center for
           USA.                              School of Biosciences, University of Kent,   Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,
                                             Canterbury, UK.                   National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
           Thomas Hutson                                                       MD, USA.
           Baylor Sammons Cancer Center, Texas   Enrico Mini
           Oncology, Dallas, TX, USA.        Department of Health Sciences, Section   José Rueff
                                             of Clinical Pharmacology and Oncology,   Nova Medical School (NMS), Universidade
           Marja Jäättelä                    University of Florence, Florence, Italy.  Nova de Lisboa/Faculty of Medical
           Cell Death and Metabolism Unit, Center                              Sciences, New University of Lisbon,
           for Autophagy, Recycling and Disease,   Priyabrata Mukherjee        Lisbon, Portugal
           Danish Cancer Society Research Center,   Department of Pathology, Stephenson
           Copenhagen, Denmark.              Cancer Center, University of Oklahoma   Ahmad R Safa
                                             Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City,   Department of Pharmacology &
           Gerrit Jansen                     OK, USA.                          Toxicology, Indiana University School of
           Department of Rheumatology, Amsterdam                               Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
           Rheumatology and immunology Center   Natarajan Muthusamy
           (ARC), Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU   Division of Hematology, Department   John D. Schuetz
           University Medical Center, Amsterdam,   of Internal Medicine, The Ohio State   Department of Pharmacy and
           Netherlands.                      University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.  Pharmaceutical Science, St. Jude Children's
                                                                               Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA.
           Markus Joerger                    Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska
           Division of Medical Oncology, University   Molecular Pharmacology, School of   Gautam Sethi
           of Basel, Basel, Switzerland      Pharmaceutical Sciences (EPGL),   Department of Pharmacology, Yong
                                             University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland  Loo Lin School of Medicine, National
           Alan Prem Kumar                                                     University of Singapore, Singapore
           Department of Pharmacology, Yong   Gianpaolo Papaccio
           Loo Lin School of Medicine, National   Department of Experimental Medicine,   John Seymour
           University of Singapore, Lower Kent Ridge,   University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli",   Department of Clinical Haematology,
           Singapore.                        Naples, Italy.                    The Royal Melbourne Hospital and Peter
                                                                               MacCallum Cancer Centre, Parkville,
           Hang Fai Kwok                     Paola Perego                      Australia
           Faculty of Health Sciences, University of   Fondazione IRCCS, Istituto Nazionale dei
           Macau, Macau, China.              Tumori, Milan, Italy.
                                                                               Xiangyang Shi
                                                                               State Key Laboratory for Modification of
           Natasha Kyprianou                 Francesco Pezzella                Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials,
           Department of Pathology and Molecular   Nuffield Division of Clinical Laboratory   College of Chemistry, Chemical
           & Cell-Based Medicine, Icahn School of   Science, Radcliffe Department of Medicine,   Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua
           Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY,   University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.  University, Shanghai, China
                                             Roger M. Phillips                 Alexander Sparreboom
           Jonathan A. Ledermann             School of Pharmacy, University of
           Cancer Institute, University College   Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK  Division of Pharmaceutics &
           London, London, UK.                                                 Pharmaceutical Chemistry College of
                                                                               Pharmacy, The Ohio State University,
                                             Raphael E. Pollock                Columbus, OH, USA
           Saverio Marchi                    Department of Surgery, The Ohio State
           Department of Clinical and Molecular   University Comprehensive Cancer Center,
           Sciences, Marche Polytechnic University,   Columbus, OH, USA        Rakesh Srivastava
           Ancona, Italy.                                                      Scott Cancer Center, and Department of
                                             Paolo Ettore Porporato            Genetics, Louisiana State University Health
           Giovanni Martinelli               Department of Molecular Biotechnology   Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, United
           Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio   and Health Science, Molecular
           e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) Srl-IRCCS,   Biotechnology Center, University of Turin,
           Meldola, Italy.                   Turin, Italy.                     Gary S. Stein
                                                                               Department of Biochemistry, University
                                                                               of Vermont Larner College of Medicine,
           Cornelis J. M. Melief             Chiara Riganti
           Department of Immunohematology and   Department of Oncology, University of   Burlington, VT, USA
                      Cancer Drug Resistance                                                               II
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