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Author Instructions

           2.2 Types of Manuscripts
           There  is  no  restriction  on  the  number  of  figures,  tables  and  references,  provided  that  the  manuscript  is  concise  and
           comprehensive. The journal publishes Original Article, Review, Meta-Analysis, Case Report, Commentary, etc. For more
           details about paper type, please refer to the following table.

            Manuscript   Definition                Word Limit Abstract            Keywords Main Text Structure
            Original Article An Original Article describes   5000 max  Structured abstract   3-8   The main content should
                         detailed results from novel          including Aim, Methods,  keywords  include four sections:
                         research. All findings are           Results and Conclusion.      Introduction, Methods,
                         extensively discussed.               No more than 250 words.      Results and Discussion.
            Review       A Review paper summarizes the  7000 max  Unstructured abstract.   3-8   The main text may
                         literature on previous studies. It   No more than 250 words. keywords  consist of several
                         usually does not present any new                                  sections with unfixed
                         information on a subject.                                         section titles. We
                                                                                           suggest that the
                                                                                           author include an
                                                                                           “Introduction” section
                                                                                           at the beginning, several
                                                                                           sections with unfixed
                                                                                           titles in the middle part,
                                                                                           and a "Conclusion"
                                                                                           section in the end.
            Report/      A document developed by an   7000 max  Unstructured abstract.   3-8   The main text may
            Guideline    independent panel of experts,        No more than 250 words. keywords  consist of several
                         usually multidisciplinary,                                        sections with unfixed
                         convened to review the research                                   section titles. We
                         literature for the purpose of                                     suggest that the
                         advancing the understanding of                                    author include an
                         an issue, procedure, or method.                                   “Introduction” section
                                                                                           at the beginning, several
                                                                                           sections with unfixed
                                                                                           titles in the middle part,
                                                                                           and a “Conclusion”
                                                                                           section in the end.
            Case Report  A Case Report details symptoms,  2500 max  Unstructured abstract.   3-8   The main text consists
                         signs, diagnosis, treatment, and     No more than 150 words. keywords  of three sections with
                         follows up an individual patient.                                 fixed section titles:
                         The goal of a Case Report is to                                   Introduction, Case
                         make other researchers aware                                      Report, and Discussion.
                         of the possibility that a specific
                         phenomenon might occur.
            Meta-Analysis  A Meta-Analysis is a statistical   5000 max  Structured abstract   3-8   The main content should
                         analysis combining the results       including Aim, Methods,  keywords  include four sections:
                         of multiple scientific studies. It   Results and Conclusion.      Introduction, Methods,
                         is often an overview of clinical     No more than 250 words.      Results and Discussion.
            Systematic   A Systematic Review collects   3000 max  Structured abstract   3-8   The main content should
            Review       and critically analyzes multiple     including Aim, Methods,  keywords  include four sections:
                         research studies, using methods      Results and Conclusion.      Introduction, Methods,
                         selected before one or more          No more than 250 words.      Results and Discussion.
                         research questions are formulated,
                         and then finding and analyzing
                         related studies and answering
                         those questions in a structured
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