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Page 218                                                         Boutros et al. Art Int Surg 2022;2:213-23

                Figure 2. Example of how one layer of a convolutional neural network processes input data. A 4 × 4 unit input is processed by a 2 × 2
                filter to extract relevant weights for the task according to the architecture of the network.

               selectively activated to help with other tasks. For example, CVSnet, another algorithm from Mascagni et al.
               (2022), is an automated method to highlight whether or not a surgeon has achieved the three key
               components of the critical view of safety . Furthermore, Madani et al. (2022) created a deep learning
               computer vision model, trained on the annotations of experienced surgeons, to identify safe and unsafe
               zones of dissection in the hepatocystic triangle during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy with the aim of
               preventing injury due to visual misperception in the identification of anatomy . Such examples
               demonstrate that AI could be used to identify anatomy, with the goal of one day enabling real-time feedback
               in the operating room using a constellation of algorithms to aid surgeons and prevent adverse events and

               Beyond intraoperative decision support at the level of identifying structures or safe and unsafe areas of
               dissection, computer vision can help to extract insights about patient characteristics. Ward et al. (2022) used
               a combination of computer vision and Bayesian models to identify the Parkland Grading Scale (PGS), a
               measure  of  gallbladder  inflammation,  and  predict  the  intraoperative  course  of  a  laparoscopic
               cholecystectomy . In this manner, the authors could investigate whether increasing PGS score was
               associated with differences in the length of operative time, likelihood of attaining the critical view of safety,
               or likelihood of injuring the gallbladder and spilling bile. The computer vision model was able to accurately
               identify the PGS, and the work otherwise demonstrated that different surgeons were affected to different but
               systematic lengths by the level of inflammation of the gallbladder .

               The sheer volume of publications and discussion on AI in surgery would suggest that these technologies
               may be ready for primetime and are an inevitability in clinical practice. The reality, however, is that
               significant obstacles remain that prevent the translation of AI research into clinically usable and meaningful
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