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Page 216                                                                                                                                                         Boutros et al. Art Int Surg 2022;2:213-23

               Table 1. Summary of studies showcasing representative applications of AI in HPB surgery
                Study                         Author          Year Target         Tool          Data          Conclusion
                Use of Machine Learning for Prediction of   Merath et al. [9]  2020 Liver, pancreatic, and   Decision trees  ACS NSQIP  Decision tree models were utilized to predict the occurrence
                Patient Risk of Postoperative Complications        colorectal surgery                         of a broad range of complications, outperforming known risk
                After Liver, Pancreatic, and Colorectal Surgery                                               stratification tools like the ASA and ACS surgical risk
                Natural language processing for the   Al-Haddad et al.  2010 IMPN surveillance   Natural Language   Single institution   Regenstrief EXtraction Tool (REX) used to extract pancreatic
                development of a clinical registry: a validation                  Processing    medical records  cyst patient data. Detected patients with IPMN with high
                study in intraductal papillary mucinous                                                       sensitivity
                Automated pancreatic cyst screening using   Roch et al.  2015 Pancreatic cyst   Vocabulary- and   Single-institution   Key words and phrases searched within the electronic
                natural language processing: a new tool in the     surveillance   rule-based NLP  medical records  medical record to identify patients with pancreatic cysts with
                early detection of pancreatic cancer                                                          high sensitivity and specificity to build a registry for patients
                                                                                                              at risk of pancreatic cancer
                A computer vision platform to automatically   Mascagni et al.  2021 Laparoscopic   Deep learning and   Cholecystectomy   Successfully isolated a short segment video clip in which the
                locate critical events in surgical videos:         Cholecystectomy  rule-based   videos       critical view of safety was obtained from videos
                Documenting safety in laparoscopic                                computer vision
                Artificial intelligence for intraoperative   Madani et al. [21]  2022 Laparoscopic   Deep learning,   Cholecystectomy   Deep learning model trained on expert annotations can
                guidance                                           Cholecystectomy  computer vision   videos  accurately highlight safe/unsafe dissection areas
                Artificial intelligence prediction of   Ward et al. [22]  2022 Laparoscopic   Computer vision   Cholecystectomy   Automated identification of Parkland Grading Scale (PGS)
                cholecystectomy operative course from              Cholecystectomy  and Bayesian   videos     used to predict the intraoperative course and likelihood of
                automated identification of gallbladder                           Models                      spilling bile

               intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) in their health system using the Regenstrief EXtraction Tool (REX) to extract pancreatic cyst patient data
               from medical text files. Their program was able to detect patients with IPMN with high sensitivity and suggested that this was a potentially useful and reliable
               tool to identify patients with pancreatic cysts who require follow-up . Roch et al. performed a similar experiment, utilizing vocabulary- and rule-based NLP
               to create a registry of patients with pancreatic cysts in their hospital system. Key words and phrases were given to the program, which searched the electronic
               medical record and was able to identify patients with pancreatic cysts with high sensitivity and specificity. Their system helped capture patients with a risk of
               pancreatic cancer in a registry which can be utilized to monitor patients and aid in follow-up .
               More modern approaches to NLP have utilized deep learning techniques to minimize the amount of feature engineering required for good performance and to
               maximize performance on more natural forms of human language that require less structure and fewer explicit examples and rules. Advanced AI models such
               as Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) are also able to generate human-like text to create de novo conversations and even works of literature .
               Because much of the text generated in medical encounters is semi-structured (e.g., History and Physicals, SOAP progress notes), state-of-the-art generative
               models may not be a necessity for simple NLP tasks in HPB surgery that facilitate billing and data extraction. However, improved NLP models can facilitate
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