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Page 60                                                                 Endo et al. Art Int Surg 2024;4:59-67

               With the rapid evolution of modern technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has increasingly become
               integrated into various aspects of human life, particularly the healthcare domain . AI, which is a broad
               field of computer science, can be used to develop systems or machines equipped with the ability to tackle
               tasks that traditionally necessitate human intelligence . Specifically, AI can be used to perform multifaceted
               tasks that involve the synthesis of large amounts of data with the generation of solutions, algorithms, and
               decision  support  tools . Synthesizing  and  analyzing  large  volumes  of  data,  AI  can  incorporate
               “unstructured” information including images or text and, in turn, identify a complex interplay among
               various data points . In turn, the integration of AI into healthcare has the potential to yield numerous
               benefits, including tools to refine patient outcomes, streamline healthcare delivery processes, and inform
               medical research .

               AI systems can analyze medical data, such as images, diagnostic tests, and patient records, yielding more
               accurate tools for diagnosis, as well as prognostically stratifying patients . In particular, AI algorithms,
               which are adept at analyzing large datasets, can identify intricate patterns and trends that are challenging for
               humans to discern, enabling more accurate identification of disease patterns, as well as prediction of
               potential health risks. Furthermore, AI holds the promise to  prevent or manage diseases more
               proactively . AI can also analyze genetic, clinical, and lifestyle data to facilitate the customization of
               treatment plans tailored for individual patients . This personalized medicine approach, which more
               adeptly considers the unique characteristics of each patient, may optimize treatment and increase
               therapeutic efficacy while minimizing adverse effects. For instance, AI algorithms such as Virtual Twin
               analysis or Optimal Policy Tree (OPT) [11,12]  can differentiate patients into subsets, identifying who may
               benefit  from  specific  treatment  plans,  such  as  upfront  surgery  versus  neoadjuvant  or  adjuvant
               chemotherapy [13,14] . Moreover, AI can facilitate drug discovery and selection of chemotherapeutic agents by
               analyzing massive datasets to predict the most promising drug candidates, as well as potentially optimizing
               clinical trial designs, thereby reducing the time and cost of developing new drugs to market . Natural
               Language Processing (NLP) algorithms can also sift through unstructured healthcare data, distilling valuable
               insights in the electronic health records and medical literature, thus enhancing the accessibility of critical
               information for healthcare providers and researchers . AI may also help to address healthcare disparities
               by improving access to medical expertise in underserved or remote areas through AI-powered telemedicine,
               thereby enabling remote consultations and earlier disease diagnoses .

               Overall, AI plays a crucial role in healthcare transformation, enhancing diagnostic accuracy, personalizing
               treatment, expediting research, and enhancing patient care. The ongoing integration of AI technologies
               holds the promise of revolutionizing healthcare practices and outcomes. AI may be of particular interest in
               the care of patients with complex cancers such as hepatobiliary (HB) tumors as these patients often require
               a multimodal treatment approach with surgical resection, as well as therapy with a wide array of different
               chemotherapy agents .

               Different AI approaches to healthcare data
               AI can involve various statistical approaches based on different techniques and methodologies. Machine
               learning  (ML)  and  natural  language  processing  (NLP)  are  generally  among  the  most  used
               methodologies [19,20] . ML utilizes algorithms and statistical models to refine the performance of designated
               tasks through experiential learning, while not utilizing explicit factor-based programming. In this way, ML
               can facilitate the identification of new patterns of knowledge and enhance inferences that enable the
               forecasting of outcomes or decision tools that are grounded in data. Through the analysis of large amounts
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